
Lila Carden, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Technology Project Management
Office 230C, College of Technology Building
Phone 713-743-4171
Fax 713-743-4032
Email lcarden [at] central.uh.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. in Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2007
- Master of Business Administration-Concentration in Finance, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1991
- Bachelor of Business Administration-Accounting, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 1985
- Certified as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, University of Houston, College of Technology, Department of Information & Logistics Technology, 2014
- Certified in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training, University of Houston, College of Technology, Department of Information & Logistics Technology, 2012
- Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute, 2002
- TEPM 6391: Project Management Seminar
- TEPM 6395: Integration Project
Research Interests
Dr. Carden’s research focuses on the use of projects and project management processes as strategic vehicles for mission and goal attainment. Project management includes the tools and techniques, as well as the organizational influences, which are pivotal in executing successful projects. Dr. Carden focuses on the factors that impede the implementation of successful project deliverables including human resources, risk management, and technology.
Awards & Honors
- Teaching Excellence Tenure Track Award, 2022-2023, The Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Student Award Program of the Cullen College of Engineering, Technology Division
- Chartered Member, 2018, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Alpha Alpha Eta Omega Chapter (Service and Sisterhood Organization)
- Myers, M., Brace, C., & Carden, L. (2023). Intelligent Automation: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Academia, Boca Rotan, Florida: CRC Press.
Book Chapters
- Baral, P. & Carden, L. (2023). Intelligent Automation Implementation in Organizations. In Intelligent Automation: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Academia, Myers, M., Brace, C., & Carden, L. (Eds.), Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
- Brace, C., Carden, L., Kapoor, K., & Brace, C. (2023). Future of Work: Implications for Academia and Business. In Intelligent Automation: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Academia, Myers, M., Brace, C., & Carden, L. (Eds.), Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
- Carden, L. Project Planning. In Realizing Complex Integrated Systems, Ambler, T. & Sheppard, J. (Eds.)., Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. (Accepted for Publication)
Refereed Journal Publications
- Aiken, W., Carden, L., Bhabhrawala, A., Branco, P., Jourdan, G. V., & Berg, A. (2024). Strategic Digitalization in Oil and Gas: A Case Study on Mixed Reality and Digital Twins. IEEE Access. 87248-87267
- Carden, L. (2023). Diversity and inclusion: Multilevel recommendations Journal of Management & Organization, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2023.2
- Tran, N. Q., Carden, L. L., & Zhang, J. Z. (2022). Work from anywhere: Remote stakeholder management and engagement. Personnel Review, 51(8), 2021-2038, https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-11-2021-0808.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R., (2022). Family and medical leave act: Examining a corporate stakeholder model to assist with implementation. Southern Journal of Business Ethics, 14, 24-32.
- Carden, L. L. (2022). Career development of project management professionals: Using salaries as extrinsic rewards. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 13(1), 1-12. (https://doi.org/10.4018/IJITPM.304056).
- Carden, L., & Brace, C. (2022). Project management office (PMO): Using projects as strategies for managing organizational and human resources. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 13(1), 1-13 (https://doi.org/10.4018/IJITPM.290419).
- Maldonado, T., Carden, L., Brace, C., & Myers, M. (2021). Fostering innovation through humble leadership and humble organizational culture. Journal of Business Strategies, 38(2), 73-84. (https://doi.org/10.54155/jbs.38.2.73-94).
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2021). Information for organizations: Considerations to reduce the gender pay gap. Southern Journal of Business & Ethics, 13, 94-105.
- Carden, L., & Oladapo, B. (2021). An ethical risk management approach for medical devices. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14, 2311–2318. (https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S306698).
- Carden, L., Garza, J., Sampson, S. (2021). Technology usage and preferences: Features and functionality for minority diabetes self-management application. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 32(1), 1-7. (doi: 10.1353/hpu.2021.0002. PMID: 33678675, https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2021.0002).
- Greer, T.W., & Carden, L. (2021). Exploring the gender wage gap among project managers: A multi-national analysis of human capital and national policies. 39(1), 21-31. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2020.09.004).
- Carden, L., Kovach, J.V., & Flores, M. (2021). Enhancing human resource management in process improvement projects. Organizational Dynamics, 50(2), 1-6. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2020.100776).
- Maldonado, T., Cao, R.Q., & Carden, L. (2019). Sentiment analysis on organizational resilience. International Journal of Data Science, 4(2), 142-161.
- Pointer, L., Carden, L., Smith, C. (2019). Student perceptions of learning and academic dishonesty by instructional modalities: Are perceptions of online and hybrid modalities improving? International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 10(10), 258-272.
- Carden, L., Maldonado, T., & Boyd, R., (2018). Organizational resilience: A look at McDonald’s in the fast food industry. Organizational Dynamics, 47(1), 25-31.
- Boyd, R., Carden, L., & Valenti, A. (2017). Religion in the workplace: Examining a model to mitigate discrimination. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 9, 124-133.
- Boyer, L., Carden, L., Johnson, L., & Boyd, R. (2017). Establishing an interview anxiety baseline: Assessing applicants’ readiness. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 80(3), 365-378. (https://doi.org/10.1177/2329490616686567).
- Pak, A., Carden, L., & Kovach, J. (2016). Integration of project management, human resource development, and business teams: A partnership, planning model for operational training and development initiatives. Human Resource Development International, 19(3), 245-260. (https://doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2016.1141606).
- Carden, L., Boyd, R., & Valenti, A. (2015). Risk management and corporate governance: Safety and health work model. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 7, 137-148.
- Kovach, J., Carden, L., & Ramos, M. (2014). Flipping the Lean Six Sigma classroom, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage. Special Issue on Six Sigma in Education, 8(3/4), 227-246. (DOI: 10.1080/10429247.2015.1047478).
- Escalante, J., Carden, L., Miertschin, S., & Gramajo, L. (2014). Using a Moodle upgrade and customization to support distance learning objectives: A case study. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 11(7), 17-34.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2014). Age discrimination and the workplace: Examining a model for prevention. Southern Journal of Business & Ethics, VI, 58-67.
- Miertschin, S., & Carden, L. (2014). Developing skills for an agile business workforce. Business Education Forum, 68(4), 19-23.
- Valenti, A., Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and businesses: Examining the criteria for effective corporate implementation utilizing case studies. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(3), 1-14.
- Gramajo, C., Kovach, J., & Carden, L. (2014). Energizing efficiency – Lab team applies Lean Six Sigma to reduce cycle time in the semiconductor industry. Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 13(3), 12-18.
- Carden, L., Boyd, R., & Boyer, L. (2014). Project management and legal requirements integration: A model for ethical considerations. Mustang Journal of Marketing and Management, 4, 17-23.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2013). Workplace bullying: Utilizing a risk management framework to address bullying in the workplace. Southern Journal of Business & Ethics, V, 8-17.
- Riley, B., Kovach, J., & Carden, L. (2013). Developing a policies and procedures manual for a consumer lending department: A design for six sigma case study. Engineering Management Journal, 25(3), 3-15.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2013). The workplace: Integrating corporate social responsibility. Mustang Journal of Business and Ethics, 4, 17-27.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2012). Corporate citizenship: An integrated operational approach. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, IV, 57-66.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2012). Ethical and legal considerations for project managers. Mustang Journal of Business and Ethics, 3, 10-23.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2011). Workplace bullying: Project strategy. Journal of Business and Educational Leadership, 3(1), 71-82.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2011). Integrating corporate social responsibility with risk management methodology: A strategic approach. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, III, 161-170.
- Carden, L., & Boyd, R. (2010). Workplace bullying: An ethical context applying duty and outcome-based approaches to human resource functions. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, II, 144-156.
- Carden, L., & Zimmerman, T. (2010). Strategic human resource management: Going green. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(2), 33-43.
- Carden, L., (2010). A strategic view of resources. Coastal Business Journal, 9(1), 12-23.
- Carden, L., & Egan, T.M. (2008). Does our literature support sectors that are newer to using project management? The search for quality publications relevant to nontraditional industries. Project Management Journal. 39(3), 6-27. (DOI: 10.1002/pmj.20068).
- Carden, L., & Egan, T.M. (2008). Human resource development and project management: Key connections. Human Resource Development Review, 7(3), 309-339. (DOI:10.1177/1534484308320577).
- Carden, L., & Callahan, J.L. (2007). Creating leaders or loyalist leadership: Conflicting identifies in a leadership development programme. Human Resource Development International, 10(2), 169-186. (DOI:10.1080/13678860701347099).