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Construction Management News

Eleven different University of Houston students were honored with scholarships at the annual American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects holiday dinner, including nine from the Cullen College of Engineering. ASIE is a…
9 Cullen students honored at ASIE holiday dinner
Noorullah Shareef Mohammad, who earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology in India and recently graduated from the Cullen College of Engineering with his master’s degree…
Greener Buildings, Silver Screens — Tech Division Grad Mohammad Finds His Passions at UH
Jamaan Alanazi, a Technology Project Management graduate student, came to the University of Houston to study project management in 2022 after bouncing between home and abroad due to the initial COVID-19 outbreaks. His experiences…
Tech Division’s Alanazi Excels in TPM
SCLT student, Supply-Chain Industrial Distribution Organization (SIDO) vice president, and recent ITMA Scholarship recipient Jenifer Mendoza reflects on her experience as a buyer intern with CITGO -- from the ways the Cullen…
Internship Q&A with SCLT Undergraduate Jenifer Mendoza
Supply Chain and Logistics Technology master's degree student Suhaib Kaissi is breaking down the boundaries between student, academic, and industry professional while keeping a keen eye focused on the future. "I am from Iraq, but…
Master's Student, TA, Industry Professional: SCLT's Kaissi Offers Sound Return on Investment
Alexandra Ledesma is a new graduate from the Construction Management program. An immigrant from Venezuela, she describes in her own words why she chose UH, and the professor that helped her achieve her best. As an immigrant…
Construction Management graduate shares on journey from Venezuela to UH degree
The Cullen College of Engineering recognized the hard work and efforts of its entire workforce at the 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards, held during the Faculty-Staff Meeting on May 8. For a full gallery of photos from…
College recognizes outstanding personnel at 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
Technology Division senior Alexis Darr knows firsthand that success doesn't come easily, but as she prepares to graduate with her bachelor's degree in supply chain and logistics technology next month, it's clear that her…
Tech Division grad Darr sets sights on NASA
When Marissa Seshadri was looking at ways to earn a master's degree, it was important for her that the school offered flexible learning programs. After all, she already had a full-time job. That is ultimately part of why the…
CM graduate Seshadri stresses family, workplace as reasons for success
When Ruth Posada walks across the stage on May 11 to accept her master's degree in Information Technology Project Management, it will be in recognition of her dogged perseverance that included a fight against multiple forms of…
Posada fights cancer, earns degree with support from her network
More than 450 high school students from 12 Houston Independent School District (HISD) schools recently visited UH's Sugar Land Instructional Site for a hands-on day of learning and exploration as part of the Technology Division's…
Sugar Land hosts HISD students for hands-on Catapult Career Summit
The 65th anniversary of the University of Houston's Construction Management program was celebrated at the Hilton University of Houston Hotel in October with a gathering featuring the various stakeholders that had made the program…
Construction Management celebrates 65 years at UH
Vanessa Davis will graduate this December with her degree in Supply Chain Logistics after excelling for several years at the University of Houston's Technology Division in the Cullen College of Engineering. In her own words, she…
New grad Davis cites strong family support for her educational success
Technology Project Management graduate student Ashutosh Kadukar recently earned the Project Management Institute's (PMI) prestigious Global Accreditation Center (GAC) scholarship award. The $3,000 scholarship is intended to…
Kadukar earns PMI Global Accreditation Center scholarship
The Project Management Institute (PMI), founded in 1969, is a leading global authority in project management. They curate resources, trainings and certifications for the project management profession in addition to promoting…
Technology Division's PMI group growing rapidly
Three student teams from the University of Houston recently took first, second, and third place at the inaugural Breakbulk Student Poster Competition at Breakbulk Americas in Houston, Texas – a successful sweep for the Technology…
SC&L students excel at Breakbulk poster competition
The University of Houston celebrated the groundbreaking of a new $65 million academic building in ceremonies at the UH at Sugar Land instructional site. Before faculty, staff, students and community leaders, UH officials turned…
Officials Break Ground on New Technology Building at UH at Sugar Land Instructional Site
Technological innovation is a multi-faceted, globally driven landscape, with the sharing and exchanging of perspectives vital to growth, success and honing the cutting edge. This semester, the Technology Division is proud to be…
Technology Division Welcomes Trio of Moroccan Fulbright Scholars