
Dr. Shireen is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at the University of Houston's College of Technology. She joined the University of Houston as an Assistant Professor in 1993. She also holds a joint appointment in the UH Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Shireen is actively involved in teaching, research and consulting in the area of power electronics, power quality and clean power utility interface issues, power conditioning systems for renewable/distributed energy sources, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and wireless power transfer technology. She has served as PI of several external research grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), California Energy Commission, Center Point Energy, Texas Instruments Inc., and Transmark Subsea.
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1987
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1991
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1993
- Professor, Engineering Technology
- Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cullen College of Engineering - Coordinator of the Electrical Power Engineering Technology Undergraduate Program
- Power Quality Issues
- DSP-based control for utility interactive inverters
- Battery Energy Storage systems in low inertia grid
- Electric vehicle charging
- Converters for Distributed Energy Sources: Fuel Cells, Solar/Wind Energy Systems
- Wireless Power Transfer
- Smart grid
- "Modified Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation technique to reduce DC-bus ripple effect in voltage source inverters", U.S. Patent 6,313,602 B1, 2001.
Name | Duration | Amount | Maker |
3 KW Wireless Power Transfer System and Output DC-DC Converter | 2022-2024 | $125,000 | Transmark Subsea Inc. |
Micro-grid Simulation Study | 2017 | $14000 | MARTECH International Inc. |
Analysis of PHEV in a smart grid environment. | 2009-2015 | $175,000 | CenterPoint Energy |
A Reliable Low Cost Power Electronics Interface for Renewable Energy Systems Using a Single DSP Controller. | 2009-2010 | $83,210 | California Energy Commission |
ARRA - Smart Grid Energy Training Coalition - Development of Training | 2010-2014 | $2,499,904 | US Department of Energy |
- College of Technology Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching, 2014.
- College of Technology Outstanding Faculty Award for Research, 1998, 2006.
- Featured as a leading Researcher and Educator in Engineering Technology, in an article published in the Journal of Engineering Technology, 2001.
- Wajiha Shireen and Sonal Patel, "Fast Converging MPPT Control for Photovoltaic Applications", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012, ISBN:978-3-8473-1903-0.
- Wajiha Shireen and Preetham Goli, Book Chapter titled, "Control and Management of PV Integrated Charging Facilities for PEVs". Book Title: "Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: Charging Strategies" to be published by Springer, 2014.
Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference Articles
- S. Patil, A. Hussain and W. Shireen, "Modified Hybrid Modulation Technique for Cascaded H-Bridge Converter with DC Bus Oscillation," 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ECCE50734.2022.9947922.
- M. Nauman, W. Shireen and A. Hussain, “Model-Free Predictive Control and its Applications”, Energies 2022, 15(14), 5131; https://doi.org/10.3390/en15145131
- Preetham Goli, Srikanth Yelem, Srinivasa Rao Gampa, Wajiha Shireen "Optimal Planning of Smart Charging Facilities Integrated with Energy Storage". In IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM).: IEEE, 2022
- P. Goli, K. Jasthi, S.R. Gampa, D. das, W. Shireen, P. Siano, J. M. Guerrero, “Electric Vehicle Charging Load Allocation at Residential Locations Utilizing the Energy Savings Gained by Optimal Network Reconductoring”, Smart Cities 2022, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 177-205; https://doi.org/10.3390/smartcities5010012
- Md. Masud Rana, Ahmed Abdelhadi and Wajiha Shireen, “Monitoring Operating Conditions of Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using Distributed Estimation Process, IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE ICC 2021, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9473792
- Hussain, A.; Shireen, W. "Grid-Following Mode Operation of Small-Scale Distributed Battery Energy Storages for Fast Frequency Regulation in a Mixed-Source Microgrid". Energies 2021, Vol. 14, Issue 22, https://doi.org/10.3390/en14227710
- A. Hussain and W. Shireen, "Model for Frequency Dynamics in an Islanded Microgrid and Primary Frequency Control Based on Disturbance Compensation," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 52784-52795, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3069769.
- Amir Hussain and W. Shireen, “Instantaneous Ripple Energy Balancing Control to Reduce Input Ripple Current in Grid connected BESS”, IEEE PES General Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (accepted).
- A. Hussain and W. Shireen, "Fast Frequency Regulation in Islanded Microgrid with SGs using Model-based Load Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 36, Issue 4, 2021.
- Amir Hussain, Joanna Russian and W. Shireen, "Power System Frequency Dynamics and challenges in achieving a 100% renewable grid", IEEE T&D Conference, 2020.
- Rikesh Shah, Preetham Goli and Wajiha Shireen, "Adaptive Protection Scheme for a Microgrid with High Levels of Renewable Energy Generation", 2018 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC) Proceedings.
- Wajiha Shireen, Soumya Sinha, Sumit Pramanick, " Low-frequency input ripple current compensation in single-phase fuel cell power systems", 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) Proceedings.
- Soumya Sinha, Wajiha Shireen and Sumit Pramanick, "Mitigation of Input Ripple Current in Single Phase Fuel Cell Power Systems", International Journal of Power and Energy Research, Volume 1, Number 3, October 2017.
- Preetham Goli, Wajiha Shireen, "Laboratory Setup to Meet the Educational Needs for the Future Smart Grid Workforce", IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2016.
- Preetham Goli, Wajiha Shireen, "Validation and Testing of a Laboratory Scale Microgrid Test Bench", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2016.
- Preetham Goli, Wajiha Shireen, "Smart Scheduling of PHEVs in PV Integrated Charging Facilities Based on DC Link Voltage Sensing," Accepted for publication in Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2015.
- Preetham Goli, Wajiha Shireen, "Control of PHEV Charging Facilities Integrated with Small Scale Wind Turbine," Accepted for publication in Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2015.
- Kotti, R.; Shireen, W., "Efficient MPPT Control for PV systems adaptive to fast changing irradiation and partial shading conditions," Solar Energy Journal, Volume 114, April 2015, Pages 397-407.
- P Goli, W Shireen, "PV powered smart charging station for PHEVs", Renewable Energy, Volume 66, June 2014, Pages 280-287, ISSN 0960-1481.
- Kotti, R.; Shireen, W., "An efficient robust MPPT control for grid-connected photovoltaic systems with reduced DC link capacitance," Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.5462,5467, Oct. 29.
- W. Shireen and P. Goli, "Wind Powered Smart Charging Facility for PHEVs" IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014. P Goli, W Shireen, "PV powered smart charging station for PHEVs", Renewable Energy, Volume 66, June 2014, Pages 280-287, ISSN 0960-1481.
- W. Shireen, A. Nagarajan, S. Patel et. al."A Reliable Low Cost Power Electronics Interface for Photovoltaic Energy Systems", Solar Energy Journal, pp 370-376, 2014.
- Kotti, R.; Shireen, W., "Maximum Power Point Tracking of a Variable speed PMSG Wind power system with DC link reduction technique," 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2014 IEEE International Conference on , 27-31 July 2014
- Janakiraman, S. Shireen. W, "An Optimal Speed Wind Turbine Test Bench System for PMSG machines with MPP control", 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2014 IEEE International Conference on.
- Kotti, R.; Janakiraman, S.; Shireen, W., "Adaptive Sensorless Maximum Power point Tracking Control of a PMSG Wind Energy Conversion System," 2014 IEEE Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2014 IEEE International Conference on , 22-25 June 2014
- S. K. Yarlagadda, W. Shireen, "A Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Single-Phase PV Systems with Reduced DC-Link", IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 2014.
- P. Goli and W. Shireen, "PV Integrated Smart Charging of PHEVs Based on DC Link Voltage Sensing", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,, vol.5, no.3, pp.1421,1428, May 2014.
- P. Goli, W. Shireen, "PV powered smart charging station for PHEVs", Renewable Energy journal, Volume 66, June 2014, Pages 280-287, ISSN 0960-1481. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.11.066