Our Vision
The Department of Engineering Technology will be nationally and internationally renowned for engineering technology scholarship and education in partnership with local and global communities and industries.
Our Mission
The Department of Engineering Technology offers an inviting, nurturing, and challenging environment, which is responsive to the intellectual, social, and cultural needs of a diverse learning community. The department's success is reflected in the success of its alumni, who are known for their leadership, adaptability, and commitment to high professional standards. This mission is facilitated by the following actions.
The Engineering Technology Department faculty provide a student-centered learning environment that:
- Attracts students who aspire to excel
- Nurtures students to persist and to achieve
- Prepares regionally, nationally and globally competitive graduates actively sought by employers
- Provides a foundation and opportunity for life-long learning and adaptation to a changing world
- Cultivates technology literacy in the general population
- Instills a problem solving capability in our program students
- Provides students with a solid basis in professional and ethical standards
The Engineering Technology Department faculty conduct basic and applied research and other forms of scholarship in support of:
- Student-centered experiential learning
- Development of new knowledge in the disciplines represented in the program
- Application of existing knowledge to contemporary problems found regionally, nationally and globally
- Development of innovative and efficient use of modern instructional technology and pedagogical improvement
- Regional economic development and quality of life
The Engineering Technology Department faculty, staff, and students professionally serve:
- The Department, College, and University, through participation on committees, task forces and study groups
- Industry and governmental agencies, through collaboration and consulting
- The professional societies representing the various programs within the department