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Engineering Technology News

Cullen College of Engineering professors Birol Dindoruk, Megan Robertson and Francisco Robles Hernandez have joined the prestigious list of Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors. The University of Houston now has 39…
Three Cullen Professors Named Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors
Associate professor of biotechnology Venkatesh Balan, Ph.D., and assistant professor Abdul Khan, Ph.D., of the Technology Division’s Department of Engineering Technology are collaborating with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension…
Engineering Technology Faculty Collaborate to Empower Justice-Involved Youth
Hemp has become increasingly popular for its versatile uses — CBD-rich varieties are in high demand for pharmaceutical products, while fiber-rich varieties are valued for industrial applications like textiles. Now, a new…
Biotechnology’s Khan Studies on Hemp May Lead to More Sustainable Farming Methods
Eleven different University of Houston students were honored with scholarships at the annual American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects holiday dinner, including nine from the Cullen College of Engineering. ASIE is a…
9 Cullen students honored at ASIE holiday dinner
With funding from the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), the Biotechnology program at the Cullen College of Engineering's Technology Division will be hosting students from colleges and…
UH Biotechnology to host NIIMBL eXperience @ UH 2025
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture has chosen a University of Houston project as one of 12 nationwide aimed at improving soil health and productivity through innovative tools and…
Doing the Dirty Work: UH Part of $7.9M Initiative to Promote Soil Health and Tackle Climate Change
In a collaborative project between the Harris County Office of County Administration’s Sustainability Office and the University of Houston, researchers, county staff and the Harris County energy management team within the…
ECE Faculty Partner with Harris County on Vision for Sustainable Energy Future
Professor of mechanical engineering technology Francisco C. Robles Hernández, Ph.D., has been awarded $307,275 of a total $624,936 grant by the National Science Foundation to investigate potential methods of increasing…
Tech Division's Robles Hernández is Supercharging Superconductors with NSF Award
Collaborative Team Develops Custom Molds with $2.7M NIH Grant Professor Fatima Merchant, department chair of engineering technology at the University of Houston, is part of a multi-institutional research team designing patient-…
Next-Level Breast Reconstruction After Cancer
Professor of mechanical engineering technology Francisco C Robles Hernández, Ph.D., has been awarded $187,914 by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to investigate a novel method of…
Tech Division's Robles Hernández Aims to Reduce Train Derailments with FRA Funding
Unlocking Potential Venkatesh Balan sees a climate hero in an unlikely little creature: microalgae that have proven remarkably effective at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In the Microbiome and Genomics Lab at the…
Tech Division's Balan unlocking potential of microalgae with research
The Technology Division's associate professor of biotechnology Venkatesh Balan, Ph.D., was recently selected to participate in the 2024 U.S. Department of Agriculture Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) E. Kika De La Garza…
TD's Balan tabbed for Fellowship program
The Cullen College of Engineering recognized the hard work and efforts of its entire workforce at the 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards, held during the Faculty-Staff Meeting on May 8. For a full gallery of photos from…
College recognizes outstanding personnel at 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
The Offshore Technology Conference is recognizing two University of Houston Cougars — one alumnus and one faculty member — among the conference’s 2024 Emerging Leaders. They are among an esteemed group of 11 individuals earning a…
Two Cullen Cougars Named 2024 OTC Emerging Leaders
Associate professor of biotechnology Venkatesh Balan has been honored with the International Association of Advanced Materials' Advanced Material Award for his Department of Defense grant-sponsored work with chitin — the…
Biotech's Balan earns IAAM award
More than 450 high school students from 12 Houston Independent School District (HISD) schools recently visited UH's Sugar Land Instructional Site for a hands-on day of learning and exploration as part of the Technology Division's…
Sugar Land hosts HISD students for hands-on Catapult Career Summit
Jian Shi, an assistant professor at the Cullen College of Engineering with a dual appointment to the Engineering Technology and Electrical & Computer Engineering departments, won't soon forget his son's 10th birthday. It's…
ECE, Engineering Technology's Shi earns CAREER award
The Technology Division's Medhat El Nahas, instructional professor of Engineering Technology, has a keen eye for potential. Whether he's reaching out to industry colleagues to keep tabs on professional openings for his students…
El Nahas recognized for dedication to next generation