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Information Science Technology News

The 2023 Technology Leadership & Innovation Management (TLIM) Conference was a resounding success, attracting more than 20 speakers and a full house of industry leaders and students to the University of Houston’s Sugar Land…
TLIM Conference 2023 bridges leadership, innovation gap between academia, industry
More than 50 digital media seniors gathered at the University of Houston at Sugar Land earlier this month to participate in DigiFest, a portfolio presentation event held each semester to bring together students, alumni and area…
DigiFest students design a future path
The University of Houston celebrated the groundbreaking of a new $65 million academic building in ceremonies at the UH at Sugar Land instructional site. Before faculty, staff, students and community leaders, UH officials turned…
Officials Break Ground on New Technology Building at UH at Sugar Land Instructional Site
New friends, free food, free stuff – what's not to love? The Cat's Back, the University of Houston's traditional welcome back event for new and returning students, took place late August as campus came back to life with the start…
Women in Technology lead the way for new semester
Technological innovation is a multi-faceted, globally driven landscape, with the sharing and exchanging of perspectives vital to growth, success and honing the cutting edge. This semester, the Technology Division is proud to be…
Technology Division Welcomes Trio of Moroccan Fulbright Scholars
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce the hiring and promotion of 31 faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year. All employees were hired after a competitive search process and multiple rounds of interviews…
Cullen College of Engineering welcomes 31 new faculty members
With our lives more dependent than ever on digital networks, and the arrival of emerging technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Industry 5.0, the field of cybersecurity is booming. As cyberspace…
The Future of Cybersecurity Amidst Potential for Widescale, Multi-vector Attacks
A new research center led by the University of Houston is helping prevent potential cyberattacks that could threaten to impede the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in the United States and throughout the world.…
Information and Logistics Technology professor Leading the Way to Cyber Safety on Roads and Highways
Despite the lack of formal User Experience (UX) degree programs, and the general confusion and disagreement about what areas of study such a degree would require, UX careers are very hot with employers from many industries…
UH User Experience Lab, Tech Division's Rodwell in High Demand
The University of Houston's Port of the Future Conference – a yearly international event focusing on the operational, infrastructural and security challenges that seaports face on a daily basis – is a gathering of some of the…
Guests dock at UH for 4th annual Port of the Future Conference
So many things we interact with daily are powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), but recent developments in general AI - where AI learns and then makes decisions on its own – have prompted a very heated public debate regarding…
Liao, CougAR Lab exploring the good, the bad, the inevitable of AI
GreenHouston, a team of University of Houston students mentored by Assistant Professor Jian Shi from the UH Cullen College of Engineering, created a winning proposal for an optimized carbon dioxide transportation pipeline…
Students Shine in DOE’s American-Made Carbon Management Competition
The Cullen College of Engineering's Technology Division presented awards to recognize six faculty, staff and students for their commitment to excellence during the Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards ceremony at their end of…
Technology Division honors 6 at 2023 Excellence Awards
This Spring, more than 150 dedicated, tech-savvy students from five Texas universities gathered in the UH Student Center Ballroom to collaboratively solve a set of carefully crafted, brain-teasing computing and networking…
cloudathon@UH continues to grow with 2023 edition
Professor Xingpeng Li Recognized as ‘Emerging Leader’ for Contributions to Offshore Power Systems and Security University of Houston energy experts will be front and center at the 2023 Offshore Technology Conference on May 1–4.…
UH Energy Experts to Share Insight and Knowledge at OTC 2023