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Information Science Technology News

Part of the reason why it’s so important to give back for Kristen Johns, a proud alumna of the University of Houston, is because she was the beneficiary of a scholarship to earn her degree. She used a full-ride scholarship from…
‘Fireball’ Johns thrilled to welcome everyone to crawfish boil
Edward Ratner, a computer information systems lecturer in the Department of Information Science Technology at the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors…
CIS Lecturer Earns Prestigious Honor from National Academy of Inventors
Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy launched an ARPA-E Program called GOPHURRS, which stands for Grid Overhaul with Proactive, High-speed Undergrounding for Reliability, Resilience, and Security, and it has allocated $34…
Cullen researchers part of $3.3M Project to Improve Undergrounding Electric Power Lines
Earlier this spring, representatives of the Technology Division’s digital media program and CougAR Lab, including associate professor of digital media Tony Liao, Ph.D., connected with Sugar Land’s own Class AAA baseball team, the…
Digital Media Wows the Space Cowboys at Constellation Field Tech Night
As the world races to combat environmental degradation and climate challenges, transitioning to renewable energy has become a top priority. However, the inconsistent nature of wind, solar and other renewable sources poses a…
Boosting Clean Energy with AI-Powered Catalysts and Microwave Plasma Technologies
Instructional associate professor of digital media Monika Alters has been awarded the 2024 Hartman/Dennis Service to Education Award by the Graphic Communications Education Association (GCEA), of which she has been a member for…
Digital Media Professor Alters Receives GCEA Service to Education Award
The University of Houston's cloudathon@UH – an annual competitive team opportunity for students to showcase their cloud-based architecture, configurations and operations skills – reached new heights this spring as registration…
Winners crowned at the 2024 cloudathon@UH
The Cullen College of Engineering recognized the hard work and efforts of its entire workforce at the 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards, held during the Faculty-Staff Meeting on May 8. For a full gallery of photos from…
College recognizes outstanding personnel at 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards
The U.S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference (USITCC) 2024 Nationals were held in Louisiana last month, and the UH Cougars triumphed in both awards and accomplishments. UH's Future IT Professionals (FITP) organization…
Cougars shine at USITCC Nationals
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
Some might say that the writing is on the wall when it comes to digital security. For Technology Division alum Prathibha Muraleedhara, who earned her master's degree in cybersecurity at the University of Houston, it might be more…
Cybersecurity alum Muraleedhara now published author
More than 450 high school students from 12 Houston Independent School District (HISD) schools recently visited UH's Sugar Land Instructional Site for a hands-on day of learning and exploration as part of the Technology Division's…
Sugar Land hosts HISD students for hands-on Catapult Career Summit
The Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education (CYBER-CARE), founded in 2023 and led by the University of Houston, recently sponsored two workshops focusing on cyber-security in Washington, D.C.…
CYBER-CARE sponsors security workshops
Information Science Technology (IST) Department Chair Amaury Lendasse, Ph.D., is a Technology Division professor and researcher whose published works have just surpassed 10,000 lifetime citations. We sat down with him to mark the…
IST Chair Lendasse exceeds 10,000 citations
In the Fall, the Technology Division was proud to host three Fulbright scholars from the kingdom of Morocco. This coming academic year, Technology Division assistant professor of digital media Elizabeth Rodwell, Ph.D., will begin…
Rodwell traveling to Japan as Fulbright scholar
Melissa Rurangirwa, a Fall 2023 Technology Division graduate, answers some of our questions while reflecting on the journey that brought her to the University of Houston, as well as her plans post-graduation. You dual majored in…
Rurangirwa finds her path at UH, thanks to classes, Active Minds
The story of Computer Information Systems (CIS) graduate and commencement banner bearer Aryan Dham's family is the story of the quintessential American dream. His parents gave up their established life in India, selling the…
Banner Bearer Dham living American dream
When Gabriel Sueiro receives his diploma on Dec. 16, it will end one educational journey that started more than two decades ago at Houston Community College, and included him becoming a father of two along the way. Read along as…
Faith in God, daughters, sister instrumental in Sueiro's success
Shaheer Bhangar is part of this December's commencement class of the Technology Division at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering. In advance of graduation, he shares the reasons that went into picking UH for…
Family, location keys to Shaheer's success at UH