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Scholarship Name Department or Sponsor Criteria Career Minimum Credit Hours Recurring Scholarships Amount Awarded
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Greater Houston Chapter Scholarship Construction Management Open to members of UH ASQ chapter; Good academic standing, completion of a CCE Technology Division course in quality control, quality management and/or reliability analysis; Interest in quality control and management. UGRD or GRAD FT N Multiple awards @ $1,000
Brij and Sunita Agrawal Scholarship in Construction Management Construction Management Preference for full time graduate students pursuing MS in CM. 3.5 GPA. GRAD FT N Multiple awards @ $1,000
Charlie Nicholson Memorial Construction Management Open to Construction Management majors that are ABC Student Chapter members UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $475
Construction Management Excellence Scholarship Construction Management Open to Construction Management undergraduate full-time majors; Minimum 2.50 GPA; Preference for demonstrated leadership, active student extracurricular involvement UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $1,000
Cris Castaneda Scholarship Construction Management Open to full-time undergraduate or graduate Construction Management majors; Must be a US Citizen or resident alien UGRD or GRAD FT N 1 award @ $450
James & Shirley Lofstrom Scholarship Construction Management Open to Supply Chain and Logistics Technology juniors; Minimum 3.0 GPA; 1 male; 1 female $500 each UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $500
James Slaughter Scholarship Endowment Construction Management Open to undergraduate Construction Management juniors and seniors; Minimum 2.75 GPA; Preference given to students who are studying the process and industrial track UGRD PT Y Multiple awards at $1000
John W. Dalton, Sr. Process and Industrial CM Excellence Construction Management Open to Construction Management juniors and seniors; Minimum 2.75 GPA; Preference for demonstrated leadership; Part-time (minimum 6 hours) or full-time UGRD PT N Multiple awards @ $1,000
Logistical Advantage Scholarship Construction Management Open to all Supply Chain and Logistics Technology majors; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Non-renewable; Full- or part-time UGRD or GRAD PT N 1 award @$1000
National Association of Purchasing Management: Bay Area Construction Management Open to full-time Supply Chain and Logistics Technology students interested in purchasing; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Must attend Bay Area Purchasing Management Association meeting, TBD UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $1,200
Perry Homes Construction Management Open to all Construction Management majors; Must have graduated from Houston-area high school; Must demonstrate financial need and leadership UGRD FT N 1 award @ $1,000
Piwetz Family Construction Management Open to Construction Management majors pursuing process and industrial track; Must demonstrate financial need UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $1,000
R.P. Doss/Houston Contractors Association Construction Management Open to full-time Construction Management juniors and seniors; Must reside in the greater Houston metro area; Must demonstrate financial need UGRD FT N 1 award @ $750
Robert "Bob" Telage Engineering and Construction Memorial Endowed Scholarship Construction Management Open to Construction Management Students, must be specializing in process and industrial track; undergraduate and graduate students.; must have 2.5 GPA, must demonstrate Financial need UGRD or GRAD FT N Multiple awards @ $750
State Bar of Texas - Insurance Construction Management Open to Construction Management juniors and seniors; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Need-based; Must be employed in the industry UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $2,500
Vaughn Construction Construction Management Open to full-time undergraduate Construction Management majors; Must have completed 60 credit hours; Must have graduated from Texas high school; Preference for work experience in field UGRD FT N Multiple awards @ $650