
George Zouridakis, Ph.D., is the founding Director of the Biomedical Imaging Lab and Professor in Engineering Technology, Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Houston. His background is interdisciplinary in nature, with degrees in Computer (Dr.Ing.), Biomedical (M.S.), and Electrical (Ph.D.) Engineering, and clinical training in intraoperative procedures at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Scripps Institute. After seven years on the faculty of Neurosurgery at The University of Texas Medical School, he joined the University of Houston as the founding Director of the Biomedical Imaging Lab, and later reached the rank of tenured Professor. His research entails functional brain mapping, biomedical imaging, and the development of handheld medical devices, and has been supported by NSF, NIH, DOD, the State of Texas, and Keck Foundation. His scientific contributions include 2 US patents, 3 books, 15 book chapters, and more than 250 refereed papers, proceedings, and abstracts. These efforts have been recognized a dozen research awards and his elevation to Senior Member of IEEE.
His lab supports Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting faculty, while his teaching responsibilities include courses in Biomedical Imaging and biosignal quantification and modeling. He frequently serves on review panels and study sections for NIH, NSF, and funding agencies in a number of countries. In terms of service, he is a member of the Faculty Senate and currently serves as the Chair the Research and Scholarship Committee, whereas over the years he has served on the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and the Faculty Governance Committee. His involvement with international organizations includes positions as Associate Editor for NeuroPsychiatry Electrophysiology, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, and Transactions on Information Technology; Chair of the Houston Chapter of IEEE BMES, member of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee IEEE USA, and listing on Who is Who in America for the last 15 years.
- Dr.Ing. (1987), Electronics Engineering, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
- M.S. (1990), Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston
- Ph.D. (1994), Electrical Engineering, University of Houston
- Professor, Engineering Technology
- Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering
- Affiliate Researcher, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain & Language, San Sebastian, Spain
- Founding Director of the Biomedical Imaging Lab
- Editorial Board, Neurovascular Imaging, BioMed Central, since 2015
- Associate Editor, NeuroPsychiatry Electrophysiology, since 2014
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, since 2002
- Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, since 2004
- Editorial Board, Neurovascular Imaging, BioMed Central, since 2015
- Associate Editor, NeuroPsychiatry Electrophysiology, since 2014
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, since 2002
- Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, since 2004
- Chair, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Houston Section Chapter, EMB18, since 2003
- Member Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee, IEEE USA, since 2007
- Senior Member, IEEE, since 2005
- Chair, Research & Scholarship Committee, Faculty Senate, UH, April 2015
- Chair, Centers & Institutes Subcommittee, Faculty Senate, Sept. 2013-April 2015
- Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, UH, April 2015
- Member, Internal Advisory Committee for the New Medical School, UH, Oct. 2015
- Graduate Director, Department of Engineering Technology, since January 2015
- Internal Advisory Committee for Medical School, since Spring 2015
- Executive Committee, University of Houston, since Fall 2015
- Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, University of Houston, since 2010
Visiting Faculty
- Mikio Kubota, Ph.D., Professor, Seijo University, Japan, Spring 2009 - Spring 2010
- Mayako Inouchi, Ph.D., Lecturer, Waseda University, Japan, Spring 2009 - Spring 2010
- Javier Diaz, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, University of Navarra, Spain, Spring 2005 - Fall 2007
- Tianzi Jiang, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fall 2002 - Summer 2003
Postdoctoral Fellows
- Luca Pollonini Ph.D., University of Brescia, Italy, Fall 2008 - Spring 2011
- Babu Sundaram, Ph.D., University of Houston, Fall 2006
- Constantine Zakarian, Ph.D., University of Moscow, Fall 2001 - Spring 2002
- Eduardo Castillo, Ph.D., University of Barcelona, Spain, Fall 1999 - Spring 2001
- Fernando Maestu, Ph.D., University of Barcelona, Spain, Fall 1999 - Spring 2001
Graduate Students
- Ander Galisteo, M.S. Candidate, Engineering Technology, since Fall 2015
- Long Tran, M.S. Candidate, Engineering Technology, since Fall 2015
- Lianyang Li, Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical & Computer Engineering, since Spring 2014
- Iñigo Iraola, M.S. Candidate, Engineering Technology, since Fall 2013
- Nripun Sredar, Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science, since Fall 2011
- Keith Lancaster, Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical & Computer Engineering, since Spring 2008
- Rui Hu, Ph.D., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Summer 2013
- Tarun Wadhawan, Ph.D., Computer Science, Spring 2012
- Ainhoa Bastarikka, M.S., Engineering Technology, Summer 2012
Undergraduate Students
- Juan Peredo, Engineering Technology, Fall 2015
- Usama Jazzar, Biomedical Engineering, Fall 2014
- Daniel Richards, Biomedical Engineering, Fall 2014
- Nicholas Dias, Biomedical Engineering, Fall 2014
- Sunil Shahani, Biomedical Engineering, Fall 2014
- Andrew Dahdouh, Senior Project, Engineering Technology, Fall 2012
- Osagie Iyamu, Senior Project, Engineering Technology, Spring 2012
- Carmen Mela, Senior Project, Engineering Technology, Spring 2012
- Mattia F. Pagnotta, M.S. Candidate, University of Rome, Italy, Fall 2014
- Varthika Reddy, M.S. Candidate, Electrical and Computer Eng., Fall 2011
- Senthil Sundhararajan, M.S. Candidate, Computer Science, Summer 2011
- Georgia McLendon, BS Candidate, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Summer 2011
- Varun Vartak, M.S. Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fall 2010
High School Students
- Kaitlynn Guerrero, Science Club, Summer 2012
- Mengjia Liu, Science Club, Summer 2012
- Megan Rech, Science Club, Summer 2011
- Ian Morell, Science Academy, Summer 2010
- Alex Bartam, Science Academy, Summer 2010
Research Experience for Teachers
- Estefanos Taamrat, 2004
Member of Thesis or Dissertation Committee
- Sevda Agaoglu, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Spring 2015
- Xiyao Xin, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Spring 2014
- Xichen Guo, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Spring 2014
- Shi Feng, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Summer 2013
- Hakan Haberdar, Ph.D., Computer Science, Summer 2013
- Irene Fernandez, Basque Country University, Spain, Summer 2013
- Natalia Shitova, Basque Country University, Spain, Summer 2013
- Miguel Peña, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fall 2012
- Bangsheng Sui, M.S., Computer Science, Fall 2012
- Sunil Shuhani, BS, UH Undergraduate Research Day Outstanding Poster Award, 2015
- Iñigo Iraola, MS, Graduate Student Research Day Award, 2014
- Kevin Cruz, Scott Black, Genevieve Simmons, and Roger Seward, "California Dreamin" National Business Plan Competition, 2013
- Darren Seibert, BS, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2012
- Darren Seibert, BS, Provost Fellowship, 2010, 2011
- David Iglesias, MS, Fluor Award for Student Research Excellence Award, 2012
- Ning Situ, PhD, NSF travel Award, 2011
- Tarun Wadhawan, PhD, NSF travel Award, 2010
- Tarun Wadhawan, Schlumberger Internship, Summer 2010
- Roger Wu, PhD, Mehta Foundation Scholarship, 2006
- Gokhan Ozer, MS, Exxon/Mobil Scholarship, 2006
- Gokhan Ozer, MS, Microsoft Internship, 2006
- Farhan Baluch, MS, Exxon/Mobil Scholarship, 2005
- Darshan Iyer, PhD, Keck Foundation Fellowship, 2003, 2004
- Mitesh Doshi, MS, METRO of Houston Scholarship, 2002, 2003
- Mitesh Doshi, MS, Educational Communications Foundation Scholarship, 2002
- Patricia Shörken, BS, Possehl Best Thesis Award, Lübeck, Germany, 2000
- Zouridakis G. (60%), Yuan X. (10%), Chen J. (10%), Stotzer E. (10%), Wu Y. (10%) "Portable Battery-Powered Handheld Medical Device and Software for Skin Cancer Screening," U.S. Patent No. 12/075,026, awarded 3/2/12.
- Zouridakis G. (70%), Yuan X. (10%), Situ N. (5%), Wadhawan T. (5%), Lancaster K. (5%), Hu R. (5%) "Methods and Software for Screening Skin and Ocular Lesions and Plant Diseases" Disclosure: UHID 2011-017 filed on 3/15/11
Name | Objective | Duration | Maker |
Research Support for Skin-Cancer Imaging | Improve Technology for Skin Cancer Detection on iPhone. | 2015-2016 | 3GEN, LLC |
Neural Connectivity Networks in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury | Develop neurophysiological markers of mTBI based on EEG. | 2013-2016 | Dept of Defense, Huntington Medical Research Institute |
N/A | Expand current handheld system for skin lesion detection. | 2015-2016 | UH Technology GAP Fund |
N/A | Expand current handheld system for skin lesion detection. | 2013-2015 | UH Technology GAP Fund |
N/A | Develop Methods to identify mild Traumatic Brain Injury | 2013-2014 | Department of Defense |
Development of New Imaging Tools for the Early Detection of Buruli Ulcer Disease | Develop computational tools for detecting early the flesh eating bacterial disease (Buruli Ulcer) that can be deployed on smart phones in underserved areas in West Africa | 2010-2013 | National Institutes of Health #1R21AR057921-01A1 |
- Provost's Excellence Certificate, April 2015
- Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship Award, April 2014
- Ikerbasque Visiting Professorship, May 2013
- Inventor Patent Award, April 2013
- Fluor Award for Faculty Research Excellence, April 2012
- Who's Who in America, 2001, 2002, 2003-2010
- Possehl Award for student thesis, University of Lübeck, Germany, 2000
- NATO Advanced Studies Institute Award, 1998
- Sigma Xi Research Fellow, 1993
- Research Achievement Award: Sigma Xi, 1993
- Hellenic Professional Society of Texas Scholarship, 1992
- NATO Travel Award, 1991
- Research Day Award: Sigma Xi-University of Houston Chapter, 1990
- View George Zouridakis's Google Scholar Profile
- View George Zouridakis's ResearchGate Profile