
Barbara Stewart, Ed.D.
Department Chair
Human Development and Consumer Sciences
Office 110C, Isabel C. Cameron
Phone 713-743-4119
Fax 713-743-4032
Email bstewart [at] uh.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Foundations, Brigham Young University, Area of Specialization: Higher Education, 1979
- Master of Science, Home Economics and Consumer Education, Utah State University, Area of Specialization: Social-Psychological Aspects of Apparel, 1974
Other Appointments
- Professor - Global Retailing and Retailing and Consumer Science
- Coordinator of the Retailing and Consumer Science Undergraduate Program
- HDCS 3304: Visual Merchandising
- GRET 6332: Consumer Aspects of Global Retailing
- HDCS 4300 Research Concepts
- HDCS 2301: Consumer Science
Awards & Honors
- Research Excellence Award, College of Technology 2019-2020
- Best Published Manuscripts, selected by the Computers in Education Division, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 27, 2011.
- Technology Alumni Association 2003 Outstanding Faculty Award, Technology Alumni Association.
- Fluor Daniel Award for Excellence in Research 2002-2003, College of Technology 2002-2003
- Who’s Who in Retailing and Consumer Services, European Institute of Retailing and Consumer Services (EIRASS) 2002.
- Research Citation by International Textiles and Apparel Association 2002.
- Article of the Year Award 2001, Culture shock and consumer confidence in the aftermath of September 11th”, Customer Relationship Management: The Journal of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals International.
- University of Houston Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award 1999
- College of Technology Faculty Excellence Award 1992
- University of Houston Faculty Appreciation Recognition 1991
- Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals International, Winning Peer Presentation 1991
- Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals International, Marketing Research Award 1989 (with Joe Militello)
- Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals International, Marketing Research Award 1989 (with Harriet Griggs)
- Roofe, N., Stewart, B., Sartain, K., Jackson, J., & Landry, A. (in press). Mentoring: Perspectives for a Diverse FCS Profession, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Greer, T., Johnson, O., Stewart, B., & Hutchins, H. (in press). Surviving COVID-19: Exploring experiences among first-generation college students in STEM at a Minority-Serving Institution, College Student Journal.
- Russell, M., Stewart, B., & Brooks, B. (2023). Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Leadership Capacity: Mentoring, Networking, Training. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal, 42, 88-97. https://awl-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/awl/article/view/439
- Stewart, B., Byrd, S., Roofe, N., Russell, M., Ravola, M., Brooks, L., & Coots, E. (2023). Outcomes of the AAFCS Leadership Academy to enhance professional leadership qualifications, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 115(2), 7-15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14307/JFCS115.2.7.
- Stewart, B., Byrd, S., Roofe, N., Russell, M., Ravola, M., Brooks, L., & Coots, E. (2023). A decade of the AAFCS Leadership Academy: Preparing leaders for AAFCS and the profession, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 114, (4), 43-51. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14307/JFCS114.4.43.
- Stewart, B. l., Miertschin, S. L., & Goodson, C. (2021). Family and Consumer Science assessment: Fifteen years of application and improvement, TAFCS Research Journal, 8(1), 24-51.
- Stewart. B., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S. (2021). Retail format usage: Pre-COVID-19 benchmark data, pandemic practice, and emergent influence, Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 56-71. 10.9734/jesbs/2021/v34i1130367
- Stewart, B., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S. (2021). COVID-19 Technology Student Success Challenges: Influence of Tools and Strategies. ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 12(2).
- Stewart, B., & Stewart, J. (2021). Pandemic panic and retail reconfiguration: Consumer and supply chain responses, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 113(1), 7-16. doi:10.14307/JFCS113.1.7.
- Stewart, B., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S. (2021). Pandemic online transitions: Student reactions, adaptations, and course feature preferences, Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(1), 38-52.
- Stewart, B., Miertschin, S., & Goodson, C. (2020). COVID-19 Transitions to online formats and pre-pandemic foundations for student success: Time management and lifestyle variables. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(10), 165-181.
- Stewart, B., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., Schroeder, S., Chakraborty, M., & Norwood, M. (2020). Promoting STEM to Middle School Girls through Coding and Fashion. Computers in Education Journal, 11(1), 1-9.
- Stewart, B., & Colombi, C. (2019). A reflective practice-based framework for teaching visual merchandising via online course pedagogy. International Journal of Design Education, 13(3), 51-66.doi:10.18848/2325-128X/CGP/v13i03/51-66.
- Miertschin, S., Goodson, C., & Stewart, B.L. (2019). Mobile technology and student academic success: What do students find valuable? Computers in Education Journal, 10(1).
- Miertschin, S., Stewart, B. L., & Goodson, C. (2017). Mobile devices and lifelong learning: The student’s perspective. Computers in Education Journal, 8(7), 80-93.
- Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., & Stewart, B. L. (2016). Time management skills and student performance in online courses, Computers in Education Journal, 7(2), 37-48.
- Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., & Stewart, B. L. (2015). Design of on-line courses: Implications for student time management. Computers in Education Journal, 6(1), 92-105.
- Miertschin, S., Goodson, C., & Stewart, B. L. (2013). Managing time in on-line courses: Student perceptions. Computers in Education Journal, 4(2), 101-112.
- Stewart, B.L., Goodson, C.E., Miertschin, S. L., Norwood, M.L., Ezell, S. (2013). Online student support services: A case based on quality frameworks. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(2), 290-303.
- Stewart, B. L., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S. L. (2012). Offsite distance education faculty: A checklist of considerations. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 104(4), 15-27.
- Goodson, C., Miertschin, S. L., & Stewart, B. L. (2012). Distance delivery of courses: What components are important to students? Computers in Education Journal, 3(1), 47-58.
- Stewart, B. L., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., Norwood, M., & Ezell, S. (2012). Supporting online students: Quality frameworks reflect value for student services, TAFCS Research Journal 2(7), 7-9.
- Stewart, B. L., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S. L. (2011). Off-site faculty: Perspectives on online experiences. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 11(3), 187-191.
- Stewart, B. L., Goodson, C., & Miertschin, S., L. (2010). Global students / global faculty: A model for success factors in the use of off-site faculty. Journal of Online Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 655-664.
- Stewart, B. L., Hutchins, H., DeMartino, D., & Bobba, A. (2010). Mitigating challenges of using virtual reality in an online course: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 47(1), 103-113.
- Waight, C., & Stewart, B. L. (2009). Exploring corporate e-learning research: What are the opportunities? Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning, 1(1), 68-79.
- Goodson, C., Stewart, B. L., Miertschin, S., & Faulkenberry, L. (2009). Student perceptions of academic honesty in an electronic age, Computers in Education Journal, 19(1), 104-112
- Stewart, B. L., & Waight, C. L. (2008). E-learning teams and their adult learning efforts in corporate settings: A cross analysis of four case studies. International Journal on E-Learning, 7(2).
- Stewart, B. L., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., & Faulkenberry, L. (2007). Student surveys of teaching effectiveness: One measure for family and consumer sciences evaluation. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(4), 36-41.
- Vincenti, V., & Stewart, B. L. (2007). Higher education database created by Family and Consumer Sciences Taskforce. Journal of Family and Consumer Science, 99(3), 67-72.
- Stewart, B. L. (2006). Online education: Social responsibility in educational access. TAFCS Research Journal, 2(1), 39.
- Stewart, B. L., Ezell, S., DeMartino, D., Rifai, R., & Gatterson, B. (2006). Virtual technology and education: A collaborative pilot case. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 7(4)2, 337-385.
- *Stewart, B. L., Norwood, M., Ezell, S., & Waight, C. L. (2006). Case study: Collaborative creation of an on-line degree program. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43(3), 197-210.
- Waight, C. L., & Stewart, B. L. (2005). Valuing the adult learner in e-learning: part one – a conceptual model for corporate settings. The Journal of Workplace Learning, 17(5-6), 337 – 345.
- Waight, C. L., & Stewart, B. L. (2005). Valuing the adult learner in e-learning: part two – insights from four companies. The Journal of Workplace Learning, 17(5-6), 398-414.
- Stewart, B. L. (2004). Online learning: A strategy for social responsibility in educational access. The Internet and Higher Education, 7(4), 299-310.
- Stewart, B. L., Waight, C. L., Norwood, M. M., & Ezell, S. D. (2004). Formative and summative evaluation of online courses. Quarterly Review of Distance Education: Research That Guides Practice, 5(2), 101-109.
- Stewart, B. L., Fritz, R. L., & Norwood, M. (2004). Cognitive style as a component in meeting workplace demands for consumer services professionals: Benchmarking Professional and Student Styles. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11(5), 279-285.
- Stewart, B. L. (2004). Charter schools: Customizing education to meet demands by constituent groups. Journal of Educational Policy, Research, and Practice.
- Stewart, B. L. (2003). Culture shock: Vital component for family and consumer sciences curricula. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 95(4), 105-108.
- Stewart, B. L. (2003). Application of multiple talent teaching research to a Family and Consumer Science research course In B. L. Stewart, R. Lovingood, & R. Purcell (Eds.), Research Applications in Family and Consumer Sciences (pp. 62-67). Alexandria, VA: American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Stewart, B. L. (2003). Mitigating culture shock in personal finance. Journal of Personal Finance, 2(1), 26-35.
- Stewart, B. L. (2002). Culture shock: Implications for retail education, Retail Education Today, 22(2), 6-11.
- Stewart, B. L. (2002). Charter schools: Opportunities to extend educational models, a positive view. Education, 122(4), 777-784.
- Stewart, B. L. (2002). Multiple talent teaching for retail education. Retail Education Today, 22(1), 6-11.
- Stewart, B. L., Fritz, R., & Norwood, M. (2002). Gender differences in cognitive style of family and consumer science professionals, TAFCS Research Journal, 1(7), 1, 2.
- Fritz, R. L., Stewart, B. L., & Norwood, M. (2002). A comparison of field-dependence cognitive styles of professionals in purchasing and consumer service and secondary marketing education students, with implications for workforce development. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 18(2), 66-78.
- Stewart, B. L., Purcell, R., & Wuest, B. (2002). Colleges, universities, and research: A productive consolidation. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 94(3), 73, 74.
- Stewart, B. L. (2001). Extension of family and consumer sciences through a charter school initiation, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 93(4), 66-70.
- Stewart, B. L., Fritz, R. L., & Norwood, M. (2000). Scarcity mandates talent supply chains for the 21st century. TAFCS Research Journal, 1(5), 20, 21.
- Stewart, B. L., Fritz, R. L., & Norwood, M. (1999). Comparative field-dependence cognitive styles of consumer services and purchasing professionals and secondary students, TAFCS Research Journal, 1(4), 23, 24.
- Norwood, M., Fritz, R. L., & Stewart, B. L. (1998). Cognitive learning styles in marketing education: Teachers and their students, Significance of Marketing Practices for Work Force Preparation, Marketing Education Journal, 23. Marketing Education Association Web site: http://www.nationalmea.org/mejournal/mejguide.html#articles (Also ERIC).
- Stewart, B. L., & Durand, J. (1997). Academic preparation for careers in consumer affairs. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 89(1), 26-29.
- Stewart, B. L., & Durand, J. (1997). Personal qualities perceived as important in hiring consumer affairs professionals, Advancing the Consumer Interest, 9 (2), 18-23.
- Stewart, B. L., & Durand, J. (1996). Perceptions of SOCAP members: the future of consumer affairs. Customer Relationship Management: The Journal of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, 1(1), 36-39.
- Stewart, B. L., & Durand, J. (1996). Consumer affairs professionals' perceptions of job market potential. Advancing the Consumer Interest, 8(2), 14-19.
- Griggs, H., & Stewart, B. L. (1996). Community building in higher education. Education, 117(2), 185-187.
- Stewart, B. L., Duvall, T., & Berkenhoff, B. (1995). Student parent influences on enrollment & perception of home economics. Texas Home Economist, 60 (6), 22-24.
- Griggs, H., & Stewart, B. L. (1995). An innovative method for improving program planning. Education, 116(2), 189-91,195.
- Griggs, H., & Stewart, B. L. (1994). Using focus groups to improve home economics curriculum, Texas Home Economist, 6(1), 17-18.
- Stewart, B. L. (1992). Put the customer at the top of the chart, Mobius, XI (2), 19-21.
- Stewart, B. L. (1992). Consumer characteristics and merchandise type as influencers of close out sale patronage, Texas Home Economist, 58(3), 29-30.
- Griggs, H. & Stewart, B. L. (1992). Enhancing performance through program consolidation, Texas Home Economist, 58(3), 28-29.
- Stewart, B. L., & Shute, R. W. (1991). Accreditation: Historical perspectives and current perceptions, Journal of Home Economics, 83 (2), 42-49.
- Stewart, B. L., & Daniel E. (1989). Building enrollment: A 117 percent solution, Journal of Home Economics, 81(1), 50-52.
- Stewart, B. L. (1988). Consumers' talent interactions with retail ads, Texas Home Economist, 55 (2), 16, 17.
- Hegarty, V., & Stewart, B.L. (1988). Comparison of calcium from commercial supplements, milk and calcium fortified orange juice, Texas Home Economist, 55(2), 10-11.
- Stewart, B. L. (1985). Role theory: A guide for home economists, The Distaff, 51(2), 6, 12.
- Stewart, B. L., & Shute, R. W. (1983). University prestige and personal ability as factors in business employment practices, Review, 2(1), 8-9.
- Stewart, B. L., & Shute, R. W. (1982). Ability vs. institutional prestige in business employment practices, Journal of Professional Studies, 7(2), 21-22.