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Human Development and Consumer Sciences News

Olivia Johnson can’t help but bring her research into the classroom. After all, the University of Houston assistant professor of retailing and consumer science studies the economy of garments, and she often invites her students…
Cullen Professor is ‘Shopping to Save the World’
When Supply Chain and Logistics Technology senior and Fall 2024 banner bearer Tran Ngo receives her degree at the Cullen College of Engineering Commencement this month, it won’t just be a culmination of her own effort — it will…
Banner Bearer Ngo thrives in America thanks to family
The naysayers and detractors of online gaming and its ill effects on youth might need to stand down. That’s what science is telling us in a new report in the journal Human Resource Development International from Melika…
Old Stereotypes of Online Gaming Upended by New Report from Cullen professor
Assistant professor of human resource development Melika Shirmohammadi, Ph.D., was recognized earlier this summer with the Reviewer of the Year award from Human Relations, a prominent academic journal. This award is given in…
HRD’s Shirmohammadi Recognized as Reviewer of the Year by Journal “Human Relations”
Nine Executive Master’s in Human Resource Development (HRD) students recently returned from a global learning experience in Prague, Czechia (known widely in English as the Czech Republic). This week-long engagement provides a…
9 HRD students complete program in Czech Republic
Consuelo Waight, Ph.D., professor of executive human resource development (HRD), has been appointed to the Fulbright Specialist Roster as of April 2024, marking her third lifetime engagement with the Fulbright Program to date.…
HRD's Waight earns 3rd Fulbright designation
The Cullen College of Engineering recognized the hard work and efforts of its entire workforce at the 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards, held during the Faculty-Staff Meeting on May 8. For a full gallery of photos from…
College recognizes outstanding personnel at 2023-24 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
Lauren Draper, a Spring 2024 Technology Division graduate, embraces destiny as she reflects on her journey to the University of Houston, unveiling passion despite unexpected turns, and her plans post-graduation. What factors…
HRD grad Draper describes UH journey
Assistant Professor of Human Resource Development (HRD) Tomika W. Greer has been recognized with the Excellence in Critical HRD award at this year's Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) international research conference…
Greer takes home Excellence in Critical HRD award
Supply Chain and Logistics Technology Program Director Margaret Kidd was recently featured on the cover of Breakbulk Magazine — a bimonthly worldwide project cargo and breakbulk shipping industry publication — in a surprising…
SCLT’S Kidd featured on cover of international magazine
Retailing and Consumer Science lecturer Blake Mudd was recently honored with the New Achiever Award at this year's American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Texas (AAFCS-TX) Annual Conference. This recognition comes…
Tech Division's Mudd earns New Achiever Award
More than 450 high school students from 12 Houston Independent School District (HISD) schools recently visited UH's Sugar Land Instructional Site for a hands-on day of learning and exploration as part of the Technology Division's…
Sugar Land hosts HISD students for hands-on Catapult Career Summit
The University of Houston celebrated the groundbreaking of a new $65 million academic building in ceremonies at the UH at Sugar Land instructional site. Before faculty, staff, students and community leaders, UH officials turned…
Officials Break Ground on New Technology Building at UH at Sugar Land Instructional Site
New friends, free food, free stuff – what's not to love? The Cat's Back, the University of Houston's traditional welcome back event for new and returning students, took place late August as campus came back to life with the start…
Women in Technology lead the way for new semester
Technological innovation is a multi-faceted, globally driven landscape, with the sharing and exchanging of perspectives vital to growth, success and honing the cutting edge. This semester, the Technology Division is proud to be…
Technology Division Welcomes Trio of Moroccan Fulbright Scholars
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce the hiring and promotion of 31 faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year. All employees were hired after a competitive search process and multiple rounds of interviews…
Cullen College of Engineering welcomes 31 new faculty members
Growing Field Opens Promising Opportunities in Human Sciences A new federally funded program at the University of Houston is meeting the growing need for well-trained professionals in the retailing and consumer science industry…
New Program Eases Obstacles for Qualified Students Seeking Careers in Retailing, Consumer Science
Returning at age 51 to finish a college degree at 54 – amid a global pandemic, no less – is a tall undertaking. Ann Clark, recognized at the May graduation ceremonies as the oldest graduate receiving a bachelor's degree in the…
HRD's Clark follows dreams, earns degree at 54