The University of Houston’s educational and research programs in cybersecurity and cyber defense have been recognized by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
UH first received the “Center of Academic Excellence” designation for its education programs in 2007, after the creation of the Center for Information Security Research and Education. This is the first time it has received the research designation.
Why get a Master's degree in Cybersecurity?
As the cyber security threat landscape evolves, so do the roles that security professionals play. Chief security officers (CSOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) are seeing the scope of their responsibilities expand. Other professionals, such as security analysts and engineers, are finding they need to know more about working with other groups within their organizations. Newer roles such as malware analyst and incident responder are emerging to better combat threats. The common thread across all of these challenges is an expanded set of knowledge and skills.
A recent survey by ISACA concluded that 46 percent of the security professionals surveyed indicated a technical skills gap as a major concern. Taking random classes without a clear plan is a terrible idea. Advancing one’s skills requires a broader picture of the cybersecurity landscape, both technical and policy sides, to position oneself in a capacity to provide leadership in this rapidly changing environment.
Needed Demand:
Some experts predict there will be a global shortage of two million cyber security professionals by 2019. - Forbes
What employers are looking for that we offer:
- Hands-on labs using real-world data
- Training and certification
Advancing your career:
- Increasing your value to your organization
- Professional skills development that keep you on the fast track
- Developing a network of peers with the highest levels of expertise
The Master of Science (MS) in Cybersecurity is a two year program designed specifically to prepare individuals with undergraduate degrees in technology disciplines for responsible leadership roles in the technology-based and information-based workplaces.
The Master of Science in Cybersecurity degree equips technology professionals to assess the security needs of information and network systems and then to manage the implementation and maintenance of the recommended security solutions.
Courses Offered
CIS 6321 – Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cr. 3. (3-0). Overview of contemporary cybersecurity issues for technology professionals from an applied perspective; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CIS 6322 – Secure Enterprise Computing
Cr. 3. (3-1). Enterprise security administration for technology professionals through server operating systems architecture and configuration; hands-on experience with UNIX and Windows operating systems; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate faculty advisor
CIS 6323 – Cryptography and Cybersecurity
Cr. 3. (3-1). Practical issues in cryptography, including examples of current historical cryptography systems; major types of cryptosystems and cryptanalytic techniques, and how they operate; hands-on experience with current cryptographic technology; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate faculty advisor
CIS 6324 – Cybersecurity Risk Analysis
Cr. 3. (3-0). This course focuses on the organizational issues of risk analysis in the legal context of the Internet. Organizational problems involving reliability, safety, security, privacy, and human well-being are addressed; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6322 or CIS 6323 or consent of graduate faculty advisor
CIS 6325 – Network Security
Cr. 3. (3-0). This course focuses on the introduction to Network Security, including foundations of networking, applying security functionality via protocols and controls, security architectures, and network security operations; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: None
CIS 6337 – Digital Forensics
Cr. 3. (3-0). Explores the realm of digital forensics, including media analysis, data reconstruction, network forensics and the legal issues surrounding the use of forensic data; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321 or consent of graduate advisor
CIS 6347 – Advanced Digital Forensics
Cr. 3. (3-0). Advanced digital forensics processes and procedures, e-discovery, media analysis, data reconstruction, reporting and legal issues surrounding digital data in criminal and civil litigation; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6337
CIS 6357 – Control Systems Security
Cr. 3. (3-0). An exploration of security functionality for control systems and networks. This hands-on course examines threats, vulnerabilities and appropriate security responses to protect critical infrastructure components; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321
CIS 6358 – Secure Software Design
Cr. 3. (3-0). Examines the management of software engineering process with an emphasis on security, including common bugs and tools to prevent them in a secure development process; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321
CIS 6359 – Penetration Testing
Cr. 3. (3-0). Application of tools, techniques, and procedures to perform penetration testing on networks and applications; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: CIS 6321, 6322 and 6323
CIS 6396 – Internship in Information Security
Cr. 3. (3-0). Cybersecurity internship in a public or private organization. May be repeated for credit; search current syllabus.
Prerequisite: At least 12 hours in the MS/ISS program and prior written approval of the graduate faculty advisor
Contact Information
For more information about this program, contact the CCE Technology Division graduate advisors: cotgrad [at] uh.edu (cotgrad@uh.edu).