Fellow Technology Students, Staff, and Alumni
My name is Juan Davila, and I am the current president of the Technology Alumni Association (TAA) for the 22-23 year I am also a Board Member of the UH Hispanic Alumni Association. I was the TAA Secretary for the 21-22 year and am a proud 2019 graduate of the College of Technology from UHD. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology.
I am proud to say that we have a strong and dedicated board that meets monthly to discuss events and opportunities to engage with alumni and students. Our 2022-2023 Board is comprised of the following individuals:
- Daniel Teran (’16) —Vice President
- Mohammad “Ash” Wadiwala (’96) —Secretary
- Luai Abodeeb (‘15) —Treasurer
- (7) At-Large Members: Cathy Reno (’92), Andre Small (’96), Sean Joseph (’96), Adrian Villarreal (’16), Dwayne Ellis (’22), Crystal Andrus (’14), Courtney Carr (’14)
You may have seen us at a tailgate or a watch party or you may have assisted us in raising funds for TAA Student Scholarships or for the Toy Drive for the House of Tiny Treasures in the 3rd Ward… thank you!
If you are not familiar with TAA, I encourage you to engage with us via our social media pages and CoogsConnect (see attached QR codes) as we are working on a Social Happy Hour (aka Tech Tuesday) sometime in the Spring, assist the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering with the student engagement, and hosting other engagement events. We also plan to have a year end meeting sometime in August 2023 so stay tuned for that as well.
I ask you to please reach out and get involved “Be the change you want the see in the world, Mahatma Gandhi”
Go Coogs
Juan Davila
2022-2023 President, Technology Alumni Association