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Pursuant to the recent merger of the Cullen College of Engineering and College of Technology, the Technology Alumni Association (TAA) is currently undergoing changes as part of this evolution. In the interim, the TAA will continue operations uninterrupted. New information and exciting opportunities will be posted when approved. Any comments, questions or concerns may be directed to the Cullen College of Engineering's Senior Director of Advancement, Margarita Pérez Frinsco at


The effective date of these bylaws for any Constituent Alumni Association is fiscal year beginning September 1, 2017.

Section 1.  An alumni association of any college, school, department, special interest group, or geographic area of the University of Houston shall be eligible to be a Constituent Alumni Association, hereinafter called “Constituent” and only one (1) such association shall represent each college, school, department, special interest group or geographic area.

Section 2.  Alumni residing or working in an area where there is a concentration of University of Houston alumni may form a geographically based Constituent Alumni Association.

Section 3.

  1. A group of alumni may express interest in forming a new Constituent Alumni Association. Expression of interest is shown by contacting the Alumni Relations Office. A member of the Alumni relations team will determine viability of the group based on the number of alumni that would align, could potentially be engaged and to ensure that a similar group does not already exist.
  2. A new Constituent Alumni Association may be recognized so long as the steps below are followed.

Section 4.  Such petitioners shall submit an application on forms provided by the Alumni Relations Office and conduct an event or gathering that demonstrates interest. At least thirty (30) alumni must respond or attend the gathering. This event will help ensure clarity of the mission and sustainability of the group. The petitioners must describe the purpose of their proposed group in a letter to the Alumni Relations Office, and must include a description of the interest gathering event. The Alumni Relations Office will provide a bylaw template to the petitioners. The petitioner’s file containing evidence of the event and proposed by-laws will be submitted to the Alumni Relations Office. Alumni Relations will submit the vetted petitioner’s file to the Constituent Relations Committee for review.

  1. Upon completion of the review of the petitioner’s file, if the majority of the Committee approves, the group will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
  2. The Board of Directors may institute a new Constituent Alumni Association of The University of Houston Alumni Association Foundation by a 2/3 majority vote of Board members present, participating by phone, voting by proxy and assuming there is a quorum.
  3. Any subsequent amendments to the Constituent Alumni Association's Bylaws may be subject to the Foundation’s annual review process of bylaws and reviewed to ensure that bylaws align with the university’s strategy.

Section 5.  Upon approval by the Board of Directors of the Foundation, the petitioners shall elect officers and directors in accordance with its Bylaws and notice of such elected person shall be given to the Secretary of the Foundation.

Section 6.  Each Constituent Alumni Association is responsible for the financing of its own functions and shall have the flexibility to design suitable and appropriate procedures for the officers and members of the said Association, so long as they are not inconsistent with the Foundation Bylaws or policies deem suitable.

Section 7.  The administrative year and the fiscal year of all Constituent Alumni Associations, shall coincide with that of the Foundation.

Section 8.  Any Constituent Alumni Association legally constituted at the adoption of these Bylaws shall continue to be recognized as the only representative of the specified college, school or department, interest group or geographic area that it has represented previously. If a department or school within a college requests to form a constituent alumni association, they will be directed to form as a subsidiary of the approved constituent alumni association. The chair of any subsidiary group shall be on the Executive Committee of the approved constituent alumni association. The subsidiary will have some flexibility in programming as long as the bylaws of the constituent alumni association are followed.

Section 9.  The Board of Directors may cease to recognize a Constituent Alumni Association, at any time when in the best interest of the Foundation. Such action is deemed necessary following a recommendation to that effect by the President and, if it is a college, school or department based Constituent Alumni Association a request by the dean to do so by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of directors present at any regular or special meeting called for such purpose provided notice of such meeting shall specify such purpose.

Section 10.  Annual elections of the Members of the Executive Committee shall occur and the meeting shall be announced in advance. Alumni are allowed to provide additional nominations for consideration. It is recommended that annual elections take place by August. 31 of each year.

Section 11.  The Members of the Executive Committee of the Constituent Alumni Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. Any other officers may be added as deemed necessary. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President. Each Executive Committee Member is entitled to one (1) vote and must be present or participating by phone to exercise their vote or vote by proxy.

Section 12.  The President of the Constituent Alumni Association shall serve as the principal officer of the constituent alumni association and shall supervise and control all of the business affairs. He or she will preside at all meetings of the members.

Section 13.  The term for any specific position on the Executive Committee is one (1) year with the opportunity to serve two (2) consecutive terms. Volunteers can serve in multiple Executive Committee positions as long as the terms do not overlap.

Section 14.  Any Member of the Executive Committee or Committee Chair of the Constituent Alumni Association may be removed from his or her position for conduct unbecoming of a board member that does not align with the strategic direction of the university at any meeting as long as notice of intention is provided in advance.

Section 15.  All Members of the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs of the Constituent Alumni Association shall follow the same policies outlined by the UHAAF Board of Directors. These include:

  1. Constituent Relationship Policy
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Form
  3. Expense Reimbursement Policy
  4. UHAAF Asset Procurement and Management Policy

Section 16.  Any amendments to this document must be written and approved by the President of the UHAAF Board of Directors and the AVP for Alumni Relations.