HDCS Chair Message

Barbara Stewart
Welcome to the Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences! This department is known for its people-centered approach to all programs and classes. Students are excited about their careers and learning and can begin as an undergraduate or graduate. Upon graduation, students engage in lucrative and rewarding careers.
Undergraduate programs include Human Resource Development (HRD) and Retailing and Consumer Science (RCS). Courses in HRD provide learners with the opportunity to advance their people skills, learn about training others, and how to create exciting online experiences for various industries. HRD positions abound in business and industry and include special skills that advance career success. For Retailing and Consumer science majors, innovation is the name of the game! As digital retailing explodes, graduates are at the forefront of creating innovative change in retail systems! As the number one private employer in the U.S., retail offers opportunities creating innovative strategies and customer-centered concepts that happen in-store and online.
The HDCS Department also offers Master of Science graduate programs in Foresight, Human Resource Development, Global Retailing, and an Executive Human Resource Development option. These programs are innovative, fresh, and advance careers. Students have access to engaging faculty who have executive and professional experience and believe in student potential for success. We look forward to working with you to advance your education in the Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences. Successful futures begin here!