
Consuelo Waight, Ph.D.
Executive Human Resource Development
Office 223, Isabel C. Cameron
Phone 713-743-4086
Fax 713-743-4032
Email cwaight [at] uh.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., Human Resource Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022
- Ed.M., Human Resource Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
- B.A., English Education, University of Belize, 1994
- Teacher Certification, Belize Teachers College, Belize, 1992
Other Appointments
- Director of the Executive Master's in Human Resource Development Program
Awards & Honors
National Recognition
- Fulbright Specialist Roster, 2024 - 2027
- Fulbright Core Scholar Award, 2016 - 2017
Teaching Awards
- University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award, 2006
- College of Technology Fluor Teaching Excellence Award, 2005
Service Awards
- Fulbright Association Houston Southeast Chapter Recognition for Leadership, 2023
- Faculty Service Excellence Award, College of Technology, 2021
- Fulbright Association Chapter Award for Programming, 2019
Research Award
- Outstanding Paper Award, American Vocational Education Research Association, 1999
Other Recognition
- Finalist, University of Houston Distinguished Teaching Award, 2022 & 2021
- Finalist, University of Houston Group Teaching Excellence Award, 2022 & 2021
- Waight, C. L., Edwards, M. T., Batool, S. Twenty years of learning in mergers and acquisitions: What have we learned? Human Resource Development Review (in progress)
- Waight, C. L., & Greer, T. Industry exposure and career outcomes: A Graduate HRD Program Perspective. (in progress)
- Waight, C. L. A Systematic Examination of Academic Advisory Boards: Antecedents, Moderators, and Outcomes. (in progress)
- Waight, C. L., Edwards, M. T., & Waight, J. E. (2023). The Learning Experience Designer Skillset: Employer Expectations. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/15234223231193319
- Waight, C.L., Kjerfve, T., Smith, B., & Kite, A. (2022). Connecting and Relating in Brazil: Implications of Remote Work. Human Resource Development International, 25(2), 231-253.
- Waight, C. L., & Greer, T. (2021). Adaptive performance and human resource development practitioners: Insights from successes and failures, New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 33(4), 4-16. https://doi.org/10.1002/nha3.20329
- Waight, C. L., & Edwards, M. T. (2021). Team engagement in an executive human resource development program: A closed cohort model perspective, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 32(3), 419-441. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.21419
- Waight, C. L. (2020). The role of tertiary education in economic development: The Belizean perspective. International Journal of Training and Development, 24(2), 135-143.
- Waight, C. L., & Pandit-Tendulkar, M. (2019). The effect of mentoring in an organization development course. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 27(5), 601-616. (Altmetric score of 24)
- Greer, T., & Waight, C. L. (2017). The value of an undergraduate HRD degree: An exploratory investigation of perceived employability and career success. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 19(2), 190-206.
- Waight C. L. (2015). Learning during the integration phase of mergers and acquisitions: Perspectives from learning and development professionals. Performance Improvement Quarterly 28(1), 7-26.
- Waight, C. L., & Stewart, B. (2009). Exploring corporate e-learning research. What are the opportunities? Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning, 1(1), 68-79.
- Trenor, J., Yu,. S., Waight C. L., Zerda, K., & Sha, T. (2008). The relations of ethnicity to female engineering students’ educational experiences and college and career plans in an ethnically diverse learning environment. Journal of Engineering Education, 97, 449-465.
- Stewart, B., & Waight, C. L. (2008). E-learning teams and their adult learning efforts in corporate settings: A cross analysis of four case studies. International Journal of E-Learning, 7(2), 293-309.
- Stewart, B., Norwood, M., & Ezell, S., & Waight. C. L. (2006). Collaborative creation of an on-line degree program. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43(3), 197-210.
- Waight, C. L., & Stewart, B. (2005). Valuing the adult learner in e-Learning: Insights from four companies. Journal of Workplace Learning, 17(5/6), 398-414.
- Waight, C. L., & Stewart, B. (2005). Valuing the adult learner in e-Learning: A conceptual model for corporate settings. Journal of Workplace Learning, 17(5/6), 337-345.
- Gibbs, S., & Waight, C. L. (2005). Connecting HRD and creativity: From fragmentary insights to strategic significance. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(2), 271-287.
- Waight, C. L. (2005). Exploring connections between human resource development and creativity. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(2), 151-159.
- Waight, C. L., Downey, S., & Wentling, T. (2004). Innovation and renewal of an e-Learning solution within a multi-national organization. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 17(4), 50-65.
- Waight, C. L. (2004). HRD involvement in the investigative phase of a merger & acquisition. International Journal of Training and Development, 8(2), 157-169.
- Waight, C. L., Willging, P., Wentling, T. L. (2004). Recurrent themes in e-Learning: A narrative analysis of major e-Learning reports. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 5(3), 195-203.
- Stewart, B., Waight, C. L., Norwood, M., & Ezell, S. (2004). Formative and summative evaluation of on-line courses. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 5(2), 101-109.
- Wentling, R. M., & Waight C. L. (2001). From school to work: Facilitating the success of minority youths. Journal of Education and Work,14(1), 71-89.
- Wentling, R. M., & Waight C. L. (2000). School and workplace related initiatives that assist in the successful school to work transition of minority youth. Journal of Stem Teacher Education, 37(2), 5-30.
- Wentling, R. M., & Waight, C. L. (1999). Barriers that hinder the successful transition of minority youth into the workplace. Journal of Vocational Educational Research, 24(4), 165-183.