
Olivia Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Retailing and Consumer Science
Office 225, Isabel C. Cameron
Phone 713-743-1587
Fax 713-743-4032
Email ojohnson [at] Central.uh.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2016
- Master of Science, Department of Consumer Behavior, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2010
- Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (major)/ Math and Computer Science (minor), Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, 2000
Awards & Honors
- AAFCS New Achiever Award, American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (National Organization), 2022
- Wearing Social Justice: An identity theory perspective of Black Lives Matter apparel among Non-Black consumers, ITAA 2021 Paper of Distinction Award in the Social/Psychological Aspects Track, 2021
- AAFCS Texas Affiliate New Achiever Award, American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences-Texas, 2021
- College of Technology Teaching Excellence Award, University of Houston, 2021
- Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, Texas State University, 2019
- Johnson, O., Shin, C., Lee, A., & Mudd, B. Recommerce: A business model analysis of sustainable purchasing processes (in progress).
- Johnson, O., Greer, T., Stewart, B., & Hutchins, H. Complicating the digital divide: How COVID-19 impacted First-Gen college students at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) (in progress)
- Johnson, O., & Ginder, W. (2nd Review). From woke-washing to corporate social justice: An analysis of how retailers used social media to respond to a racial reckoning. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
- Hall-Phillips, A, Chung, T., Johnson, O., & Patwary, S. (under review). Why can’t I respond? The effects of communication restrictions on willingness to speak out: A moderated mediated approach. Telematics and Informatics
- Johnson, O., & Delk, D. (under review). #WeMatter: Creating Culturally Responsive Health Promotion Content for Black and Latina College Women on Instagram. Digital Health
- Schroeder, S., Stewart, B., & Johnson, O. (3rd review). DesignYOU! Code Camp: Lessons Learned for Engaging Underserved Youth. Journal of Stem Outreach
- Johnson, O., Chung, T., Hall-Phillips. (under review). Let’s center the issue! How digital social movements lose their focus. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
- Greer, T., Johnson, O.D., Stewart, B., & Hutchins, H. (2023). Surviving COVID-19: Exploring experiences among first-generation college students in STEM at a Minority-Serving Institution. College Student Journal
- Johnson, O., Cho, H., & Patwary, S. (2023). Online shopping orientations of Latino millennial generational cohorts. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(1), 14-26.
- Johnson, O.D., Matthews, D., Patwary, S., & Diallo, M. (2022). I wear, therefore, I care: An investigation of non-Blacks adoption of Black Lives Matter apparel and Accessories. Clothing Textile and Research Journal.
- Johnson, O., Seifert, C., & Lee, A. (2021). Shopping without the fuss: the effect of curation type in clothing subscription adoption on cognitive dissonance and consumer responses. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 49(10), 1411-1429.
- Chung, T. L. D., Johnson, O., Hall-Phillips, A., & Kim, K. (2021). The effects of offline events on online connective actions: An examination of# BoycottNFL using social network analysis. Computers in Human behavior, 115, 1-10.
- Johnson, O. D., & Ramirez, S. A. (2021) An exploratory study of Millennial generational cohorts’ online shopping behavior. International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management, 49(1), 81-103.
- Greer, T., Johnson, O., Delk, D. (2021). Graduate enhancement for minority studies (GEMS): Design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a graduate student recruitment program. College Student Journal, 55(4), 371-386.
- Johnson, O., & Chattaraman, V. (2020). Signaling socially responsible consumption among millennials: an identity-based perspective. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(1), 87-105.
- Johnson, O. D., Hall-Phillips, A., Chung, T., & Cho, H. (2019). Hashtags, politics and consumption. Social Media and Society, 5(4), 1-14.
- Johnson O., & Chattaraman, V. (2018). Conceptualization and measurement of millennial's social signaling and self‐signaling for socially responsible consumption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 1–11.
- Johnson, O. D., & Ulrich, P. (2017). Color cycles in apparel and home furnishings, 1969-2009. Fashion and Textiles, 5(1), 1-17.