
Dr. Shirley Ezell has an academic passion for curriculum experimentation and reform. Early in her career, at the University of Houston, she worked with a national initiative to reform core curriculum across all the state universities and colleges funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. In addition, she was funded by the Exxon Foundation to develop a model Scholars Community to create residential learning experiences for commuting freshman that produced the highest retention rate for undergraduates on the University of Houston campus. Dr. Ezell has published retail cases on Columbia Sportswear, Green Retailing and is currently finishing a case on Joan Pillow Bridal. Those cases are used in classroom for interaction and to provide students with a range of decision-making skills. She also consults with retail firms on e-commerce and enjoys learning all the new technology using MS Teams. Her greatest enjoyment is seeing her retailing students enter executive positions and being successful in a wide range of retail industries both in the US and globally. Dr. Ezell earned her bachelor's degree from Baylor University and graduate degrees from Texas Women's University. She has held diverse administrative positions from departmental chair, associate dean of two colleges, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and currently serves as Internship Director for the Retailing and Consumer Science program. She has consulted with the retail, hotel and grocery industry on areas as diverse as return on investment, auditing customer service, and creating new strategic directions. Her collaborative experimentation in distance education has been published in Quarterly Review of Distance Education and Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
- IEM, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1982
- Ph.D., Textile Technology, Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas, Ph.D., 1965
- B.S., Home Economics Education, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1959
- Internship Coordinator, Retailing and Consumer Science
- HDCS 3303: Merchandizing and Consumer Sciences
- HDCS 4393: Internship in Human Development & Consumer Sciences
- HDCS 4394: Internship in Human Development & Consumer Sciences
- GRET 6335: Regional Retail Markets
- GRET 6334: Global E-Tailing Systems
- GRET 6397: Special Problems in Global Retailing
- Ezell, Shirley D. and Norwood, Marcella (2020) Case “The Challenges of resizing Designs of Chloe Dao” Bloomsbury Fashion Cases
- Ezell, Shirley D. and Norwood, Marcella M. (2018) Case “Creating An Innovative Bridal Company Against All Odds.” (Under review 2018). WACRA International Journal of Case Research & Application – IJCRA
- Ezell, Shirley D. and Norwood, Marcella M. (2017) Case “Challenges in Green Retailing” to be published in Levy, Michael, and Weitz, Barton A. Retailing Management, 2017. 9th Edition. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- Ezell, S., Norwood, M., Stewart, B.L., Greenwood, K., Waight, C. L., Bishop, P., and Hutchins, H. (2017). Human Ecosystems and Technological Change (7th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Ezell, Shirley D. and Norwood, Marcella M.. (2016) Tough Mother. Also accepted for Presentation at WACRA 2016, the 33rd International Conference on Case Method Research & Application in Lima, Peru, July 3-July 8, 2016. Refereed.
- Ezell, Shirley D., and Norwood, Marcella. (2015). “New Living: Learning the Lessons of Social Entrepreneurship, Green Retailing and Competing in the Marketplace.” Accepted For presentation at WACRA 2015, the 32nd International Conference on Case Method Research & Application in Odense, Denmark, June 28-July 2, 2015. Refereed.
- Stewart, B.L., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., Norwood, M., & Ezell, S. (2014). Supporting online students: Quality frameworks reflect value for student services. TAFCS Research Journal.
- Stewart, B.L., Goodson, C., Miertschin, S., Norwood, M., & Ezell, S. (2013). Online student Support services: A case based on quality frameworks. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 9(2), 289-302.
- Lee, Younghee, Park, J.K., Stewart, B.L., Ezell, S., Norwood, M., & Goodson, C. (2013) Role of Consumer Innovativeness in Adoption of Social Media for Shopping. A Cross-National Study. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, June 2013, Houston, Texas.
- Ezell, S., Norwood, M., Stewart, B.L., Greenwood, K., Waight, C.L., Bishop, P, & Hutchins, H, (2013). Human Ecosystems and Technological Change. (6th Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Lee, Y., Park, J.K., Stewart, B.L., Ezell, S., Norwood, M., Goodson, C. (2013). Role of Consumer innovativeness in adoption of social media for shopping: A Cross-national study. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, June 28, 2013.
- Ezell, S., Norwood, M.L. and Crippen L. Kaye. (2012) Giants and Grasshoppers: A Case Study of Sustainability, A Green Retail Business and Where Does It Go From Here? International Journal of Case Method Research & Application.
- Stewart, Barbara L., Goodson, Carole, Miertschin, Susan, Norwood, Marcella, Ezell, Shirley, and Park, Jungkun. “Services for Online Retailing and Consumer Science Majors: Needs, Delivery, and Outcomes.” Presentation at annual meeting of AAFCS June 26, 2012.