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Biomanufacturing Certificate Overview

Biomanufacturing Certificate Program
Stirred-tank Bioreactor​

Dates: July 28–August 1, 2025

Registration deadline: July 7, 2025​

The University of Houston Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering — Biotechnology program is offering an intensive 5-day, in-person, hands-on course on the biomanufacture of protein products using stirred-tank bioreactors and downstream purification, skills which are highly sought-after by the fast-growing number of biomanufacturing companies in Greater Houston and the US. In this course, participants will learn about the design and operation of stirred-tank bioreactors  and chromatography equipment similar to those used in the production and purification of therapeutic proteins, vaccines, and many industrial enzymes. Recent trends in bioreactor technology, upstream bioprocess, process controls, chromatographic purification, and quality testing will be presented.​
