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Cloud Computing Series

The Cloud Computing Series (CC Series) complements the cloudathon@UH competition. It is composed of many events including guest speakers, industry and alumni panels, workshops, career advising, and games. The Cloud Computing Series events usually start in September, with one or two events every month until the final week of April when the cloudathon@UH competition takes place. The cloudathon@UH competition is the ultimate event of the year, all the events scheduled under the Cloud Computing Series do promote and encourage students to participate in the cloudathon@UH competition.


1.1 Cloud Computing Workshop Series

The CC Workshop Series introduces guest speakers to talk about the technical aspects of the competition problem. Here, AWS resources will provide details on how to win the AWS GameDay, what to expect with the problem scenario, problem solving techniques as well as some of the technical challenges of the AWS GameDay problem.

Industry and/or CIS faculty will also present workshops to talk about the Part 2 of the competition problem — technical aspects, how it applies and models a problem in the industry, etc.

  • Setting: In-person. Usually, all workshops are offered within four weeks of the competition day.
  • Target: All CIS students, especially those who are registered to participate in the competition


1.2 Cloud Computing Guest Speaker and Panel Series

The CC Guest Speaker Series introduces industry guest speakers on any subject that will add value to the college graduate immediately post-graduation. Ideas for topics, either as a guest speaker or in a panel setting include, among many others options, the following:

1.2.1 Tech talks

  • AWS Services, best practices, architecture patterns, accounting, reporting, costs, etc.
  • Setting: virtual/remote or in-person. Preferably remote to avoid traveling.
  • Target: All CIS students, especially those in the Cloud Computing based curriculum

1.2.2 Leadership talks

  • Project Management methodologies – PMI, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, etc.
  • Processes, Optimization and Continuous Improvement – Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, etc.
  • Setting: virtual/remote or in-person. Preferably remote to avoid traveling.
  • Target: All CIS students

1.2.3 Productivity, Personal and Time Management talks

  • Productivity textbooks and content, for example, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Leading Change, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, among many others
  • What recruiters are looking from LinkedIn and your resume, how to use LinkedIn to your advantage
  • Wealth Management and Work-Life balance in the industry – saving plans, 401Ks, and any other topics
  • Setting: virtual/remote or in-person. Preferably remote to avoid traveling.
  • Target: All CIS students

1.2.4 CIS Alumni talks

  • Panel of CIS alumni on anything related to the work they are doing:
    • How they were employed, transition from CIS curriculum to applying the concepts in the industry, what did you have to do as an international (non-U.S.-citizen or non-permanent-resident) to be employed, etc.
  • Setting: In-person
  • Target: All CIS students


1.3 Cloud Computing Career and Advising Series

1.3.1 Career talks

  • Industry, job market, technical and soft skill set, etc.
  • A day as a Project Manager, Business System Analyst, IT Director, Cloud Architect, IT Cloud Auditor, Development/Resource Manager, Governance, CISO, etc.
  • Expectations for international students
  • Setting: virtual/remote or in-person. Preferably remote to avoid traveling.
  • Target: All CIS students, specially sophomore and senior students

1.3.2 Career Fair type table setting

  • Recruiters to set a table in the Student Center area of competition for students to reach out and talk
  • Setting: In-person, the day of the competition
  • Target: All students

1.3.3 Advising

  • Industry resources with AWS expertise advise teams during the competition on technical aspects of the problem.
  • Setting: In-person, during the competition
  • Target: All students participating in the competition


1.4 Cloud Computing cloudathon@UH Games Series

The games are meant for entertainment purposes:

  • Kahoot type of games during any of the CC Series (Guest Speakers, Workshops, Panels, etc.). The games will have small UH-branded type of prizes.
  • Online Scavenger Hunt – Individual or teams participate for UH-branded type of prizes. Anytime during the year or within four weeks of the competition. Prizes will be awarded during the award ceremony of the competition. Possible subjects/topics include:
    • UH campus building, locations, landmarks
    • CIS people - students, admin, faculty, IAs, Graders, TAs, etc.
    • UH/CIS/T1/T2/UHSL history
    • UH-based fun facts
    • Location based topics where participants will have to visit a location on campus and history/research topics where participants will need to research about UH to find the solution
    • Any other possible topics


1.5 Cloud Computing cloudathon@UH Planning Series

On the day of the cloudathon@UH, after the award ceremony, refreshments and a planning dinner take place to brainstorm ideas and plan for the cloudathon@UH competition for the following year. All participants must agree, at registration time, that if they are part of the awarded six (6) teams, they must attend the refreshment session to provide their feedback about the competition.

CIS IAB (Industry Advisory Board), industry resources, and any other invited members and organizations attend this session. After the refreshments, a dinner is provided so we can continue exchanging ideas about the competition.