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Policies — Rules and Regulations for Graduate School

Conditional vs. Unconditional Admission

Conditional and unconditional refer to how students are admitted to the program. All students, regardless of conditional or unconditional status will need to submit complete applications, including test scores.

The minimum requirements for unconditional admission status are a grade point average of 3.00 (A = 4.00) for the most recent 60 hours of undergraduate/graduate coursework and satisfactory test scores as determined by the college or department. Foreign degrees will be evaluated in their entirety.

Conditional admission in the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering may be granted to students who have achieved grade point averages of at least 2.75 (A=4.00) and whose score on the appropriate admissions exam meet levels that would indicate probable success in a graduate program.

In order to remain in a graduate studies program subsequent to admission, conditionally admitted students must earn grade point averages of at least 3.00 (A = 4.00) in the first twelve hours of graduate work attempted at the University of Houston and fulfill any specific stipulations of the college or department (such as prerequisite courses, etc.)

Once conditional requirements are met, a student is evaluated for unconditional admission into the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering.


Grievance Policy and Procedure for Graduate, Professional and Pre-Graduate Students

The Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering grievance policy applies to the redress of grievances concerning academic and instructional matters and other issues for which there are no other existing grievance procedures. Copies can be attained in the office of the graduate advisor or by downloading the following PDF below.

Download Grievance Policy (PDF)


For More Complete Information

This page includes only a partial listing of the rules and regulations concerning graduate study at the University of Houston. A complete listing of policies is available in the Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog.