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Any major is welcome; the only requirement is a passion for information technology.
The CIS program is located on the Sugar Land campus.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Information Systems Program Criteria.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems program blends theory and practice to prepare its graduates for careers in fields such as software systems development, e-commerce, and network administration. The program focuses on the application of information technology to facilitate the management and operation of organizations. In addition to general education courses required of all undergraduates, the CIS major concentrates on computing and network technology and the organization context in which these technologies are employed to solve business problems.
View the fundamental objectives and expected learning outcomes for the CIS program.
Admission Information
Applicants must fulfill the general admission requirements of the University of Houston for either freshmen or transfer students. International students must have a minimum TOEFL score of 550. Applicants may now apply online via the Texas common Application, which can be found at www.uh.edu/admissions. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor to ensure that the initial enrollment and registration process proceeds smoothly. Advising is conducted through the Information Science Technology Department Office.
Grade Point Average Requirement
A grade point average of 2.0 or better is required for graduation. Computer Information Systems majors must earn a grade of "C" or better in all core major courses.
Transfer Students & Major Changes for Current Students
Any students wishing to change their major to Computer Information Systems must have at least an overall 2.75* or higher cumulative grade point average on all attempted courses, including any attempted transfer courses at other institutions. In addition, applicants who have attempted coursework at the University of Houston must have at least a 2.50* or higher cumulative grade point average at the University of Houston.
Please consult the UH Admission website at https://uh.edu/admissions/ to determine if you qualify as a freshman or transfer admit. Current UH students who want to change to the CIS major, please follow Change of Major Process.
Transfer Requirement
All courses applicable to the major that are completed at another college and transferred to the University of Houston must have been completed with a grade of "C" or better.
Other Information