The 2024–2025 undergraduate course sequence for Biotechnology is available here.
- All BTEC designated courses are held mostly at the UH Sugar Land campus and some offered in UH main campus. Some of the courses are offered online.
Undergraduate Pre-requisites
- Course prerequisites can be found along with the most up-to-date course sequence here.
- Prerequisites for each course are noted at the bottom of each course block.
- You may also find course prerequisites through the latest undergraduate catalog here.
- Search for the desired course, and its prerequisite will be listed.
- To take a course concurrently with its listed prerequisite you must submit a general online petition to the department.
- Petitions to take courses other than the listed prerequisite courses will be rejected.
- Please get in touch with the undergraduate advisors for more information.
Undergraduate Admission Procedures
- Visit the UH Office of Admissions here for details on the application process, deadlines and admission requirements.
- Applicants accepted to the University of Houston as freshman are eligible to declare any major in the Technology Division.
- All applicants who are admitted to a Technology Division major or submit a request to change to a Technology Division major must enroll in at least one course each semester in approved coursework in the major.
- For BTEC undergraduate program a minimum of 2.5 GPA (for high school and transfer students) is required. For further details visit here for more details.
- Additional information about the admissions tests, including test dates and costs are available through the Testing Center by calling 713-743-5444.
Undergraduate — Transfer Students
- The Technology Division is pleased to have articulation agreements with Lone Star College System, San Jacinto Community College, and Houston Community College.
- The agreement provides a smooth curriculum transition for students, allowing them to transfer from the community college to UH without loss of credits or duplication of coursework.
- Typically, up to 66 lower-division credit hours from an accredited institution of higher education may count towards the Bachelor of Science degree.
- Courses around technical concentration (i.e., the major) with a grade of "C" or better will be accepted for transfer to UH.
- A course around technical concentration that was completed with a grade of less than "C" will have to be repeated.
- Any grade earned in an academic course that is below "C-" (1.67 on a 4.0 GPA scale) is not transferable or applicable towards degree requirements. Those courses must be re-taken.
- Continuing education course work cannot be transferred.
- For further details visit here.
- Transfer equivalency guide for Biotechnology can be found here.