Save the Date: Next TAA Mixer, August 10, Fuego’s Saloon, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Alumni mixers are great for networking with others and for learning about how the UH Technology…
Ray Taylor, mechanical engineering technology research professor, looks forward to working in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby where he will…
The University of Houston’s College of Technology celebrated students who earned undergraduate and graduate degrees. An awards reception was held on May 11, 2017 at the…
The International Society of Automation (ISA Houston Section) recognized four University of Houston engineering technology students for their academic performance during the…
The College of Technology 75th Anniversary Gala gave me the opportunity to bond with dedicated professors and colleagues, recent graduates and spirited alumni. It’s…
Dr. Anthony "Tony" Ambler has been named Dean of the University of Houston College of Technology. Dr. Ambler joins the University of Houston from the University of South Carolina…
The innovative uses of shipping containers seem to be attracting attention these days. Engineering technology students at the University of Houston College of Technology used…