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Corrosion engineering expert teams up with Denmark University
Ray Taylor

Ray Taylor, mechanical engineering technology research professor, looks forward to working in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby where he will extend his exploration into non-toxic corrosion inhibitors for the aerospace industry. The research is expected to lead to the development of corrosion protection strategies for the NATO F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Taylor will spend August and September 2017 in the university’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, where he will present lectures and further develop relationships within DTU and European companies interested in the research.

The collaboration evolved from Taylor’s introduction to DTU Professor Per Møller’s research last year. Møller is noted for his contributions to ground-breaking research within electrochemical surface treatment, and has recently received the William Blum Scientific Achievement Award from the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF). “We have many mutual research interests, so the alignment seemed perfect,” said Taylor. “European Universities have strong connections to industry. When students do research, it is highly probable that it will be supported by an industry on a project that is of strategic need to the industry sponsor. Everybody wins in those relationships.”

One facet of Dr. Taylor’s research focus revolves around the replacement of chemicals used to eliminate corrosion in aluminum and aluminum alloys such as those used for the production of critical parts for military jets. Also, he will be involved with the development of predictive tools and measurements for the durability and longevity of special coatings. “I am an engineer, but it takes science to answer practical questions, which makes this connection an exceptionally sound one,” says Taylor. “The collaboration between science and industry is what I appreciate. I am looking forward to this experience.”