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Realizing that virtual online courses have become the norm for many working professionals, Piping Technology & Products is leveraging more than thirty years of…
At the 16th Annual Proceanic Golf Classic, everyone wins because funds raised help students attend college. The scholarship golf tournament will be held Friday, June 5, 2015, at…
Aspiring to deepen their understanding of materials and their behaviors, visiting graduate students, Armando Tejado Ochoa and Octavio Alberto Herrera Sánchez are pursuing a…
Sydney Dao (left), Collegiate DECA group with Dr. Shirley Ezell and Dr. Marcy Norwood University of Houston retailing and consumer science students from the Collegiate DECA…
Vice Chancellor Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim (left) and Dean William E. Fitzgibbon The University of Houston College of Technology had the pleasure of hosting officials and faculty…
Hosted by Fluor Corporation, UH construction management students tour ethylene project in Baytown, Texas. One of the most powerful learning objectives of the University of…
The brightest stars of the Houston retail scene were selected for the prestigious Star Awards by the UH College of Technology’s Department of Human Development and Consumer…
In the end, it’s all about the cars. But for students from the University of Houston and Elsik High School, the path to the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas 2015 has offered much…
The University of Houston Association of IT Professionals (AITP) Student Chapter was awarded the AITP Region 3 Outstanding Student Chapter of the Year Award for 2014.…