Attention all shoppers! Save the date for Wednesday, October 24 and "Shop for UH Retail Stars," a special shopping benefit night at Tootsies, 2601 Westheimer at Kirby.
The event,…
Collaboration between faculty members, Peter Bishop and Andy Hines, has produced a new book, Teaching about the Future: The Basics of Foresight Education, published by Palgrave…
The 15th Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) Engineering Conference (GEC15) will be held Oct 23 – 25, 2012 at the Hilton Americas and the University of Houston.…
Launching in fall 2013 in the Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences, the Master of Science (MS) in Global Retailing promises to uniquely expand opportunities for…
Ron Hopkins is currently a Visiting Associate Professor for the Information and Logistics Technology (ILT) Department /Technology Project Management (TEPM) program where he also…
For Angelic Covarrubia, volunteering for the First Lego League (FLL) turned out to be much more than a donation of her time. "By volunteering as both an assistant coach and mentor…
All Technology alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends are invited to the Annual Homecoming Open House on Thursday, November 8 at the Technology 1 and 2 buildings.
The event…
The official records now show that 3,700 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled in the College. The 20% upsurge since last fall ranks the College among the top five of…