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Advising Resources

Undergraduate and graduate academic advisors are available during the fall semester Monday - Thursday from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (excluding special events and holidays) for drop-in advising. Drop-in advising is reserved for brief questions that do not require a thorough review and update of the degree plan while issues such as filing a degree plan, long term academic planning and graduation checks require an appointment. Please check the undergraduate advising hours or graduate advising hours for appointment availability.

Students are encouraged to visit their academic advisor regularly to update their degree plan and to stay informed about possible academic program changes and resources offered by the Technology Division. The following is not an exhaustive list of circumstances when students should see an advisor but may serve as a guide to point students in the right direction when seeking academic advising.


To File a Degree Plan

Students who would like to change their major to one that is offered in the Technology Division may fill out the online change of major form. A 2.0 cumulative GPA at UH is required to change to all technology majors except Computer Information Systems. CIS requires a cumulative UH and transfer GPA of 2.5. Students must set an appointment with an advisor to file the degree plan. The degree plan is the document which identifies the requirements that must be satisfied for the major. The advisor will fill out the degree plan and mark the requirements that have been satisfied by transfer courses or courses completed at UH. Students should file the degree plan as soon as they declare the major so that they have an accurate understanding of their degree requirements.


To Process Veterans Administration Paperwork

Technology Division majors who are eligible for Veteran's benefits must have an advisor sign their VA enrollment certification form. Students must bring the enrollment certification form to their assigned advisor and be enrolled for classes that satisfy requirements on their degree plan. As long as the student has a degree plan on file, VA paperwork may be signed during walk-in advising hours.


To Process Financial Aid Appeals

Students who require an advisor's signature on financial aid appeals may bring the appropriate form to their assigned advisor during walk-in advising hours. An appointment will be necessary if the advisor must verify the remaining degree requirements for the financial aid appeal.


To Complete a Graduation Check

Students are not required to see an academic advisor before submitting the online graduation application however students are encouraged to meet with an advisor before the semester of their anticipated graduation. During this meeting, the advisor can review the student's degree plan and confirm that all degree requirements will be satisfied upon the successful completion of the final semesters course work.


To Assist with the Processing of International Student Forms

International students who require an advisor's signature to verify enrollment may bring the appropriate forms to the ASC for an advisor's during walk-in advising. International students who require an advisor's verification of progress toward a degree will need to make an appointment with an advisor. Academic advisors can assist with the processing of international student forms (i.e. provide signatures), however these forms are distributed by the International Students Services Office and must be processed according to their guidelines.


To Review Conditions for Readmission from Academic Suspension

All Students reapplying from suspension must apply for readmission as a former student at

In addition, students must follow Technology Division procedures for Readmission from Suspension.


Special Situations

When special situations arise, the office staff and advisors in the ASC can provide direct assistance or refer students to the university office that can resolve issues of concern to our students. There are certain issues that must be handled by a university office, staff member or department representative other than an advisor in the ASC. Students should take note of the following situations that cannot be resolved by an academic advisor:

  • Grade Changes: Grade change appeals should begin with the instructor for the course.
  • Applications for admission: Undergraduate students should not submit application materials to the Technology Division. All application materials, including transcripts, should be submitted to the University of Houston Office of Admissions.
  • Degree requirement exceptions/substitutions: Advisors cannot approve exceptions or substitutions to degree requirements. Any change to a requirement on a student's degree plan must be approved by petition and receive approval from the program coordinator for the major, department chair, the college dean and, in some cases, the university provost.
  • Closed classes: Advisors cannot enroll students into "closed" sections of a class. Approval to enroll in a closed class can only be granted by the instructor and the department which offers the class.
  • Financial Aid: Other than signing financial aid appeal forms, academic advisors cannot resolve problems related to financial aid distributed through the University of Houston Office of Financial Aid.
  • Course Content: Advisors can provide general information about the courses required for a student's degree. However, specific questions related to course content or course requirements should be addressed to the program coordinator for the major or the instructor for the course.
  • TSI Compliance: Issues related to a student's TSI (Texas Success Initiative) compliance must be resolved with an advisor in the undergraduate scholars division advisor. The student should go to Room 56, University Libraries.


Appointment or Drop-in?

Academic Advisors can meet with students by appointment or during drop-in hours. Please note that drop-in advising is reserved for brief questions and advising issues that can be resolved quickly. We encourage you to make an appointment if your advising concern deals with issues such as graduation checks, long term academic planning, academic probation advising, or any issues that require a lengthier discussion.


Using Navigate to Schedule Appointments

We encourage you to schedule your advising appointment online using Navigate.



Preparation for Advising Appointments

If your advising appointment concerns degree planning or graduation checks, students are expected to bring the course sequence chart for their major with the courses already completed marked with an "X". Also, indicate when you plan to take the remainder of courses on the chart.


Contact Your Advisor

You can email your advisor with any general questions or concerns. Your advisor will respond to your email within three(3) business days.


Filing Petitions

Information about filing petitions can be found here.