
Luca Pollonini, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Computer Engineering Technology and Computational Health Informatics
Office 123B, Technology Annex
Phone 713-743-4159
Fax 713-743-4032
Email lpollonini [at] uh.edu
Website Optical Bioimaging Lab
- University of Brescia-Italy, Information Engineering, Ph.D., 2004
- University of Brescia-Italy, Electrical Engineering, M.S., 2000
Professional Service & Affiliations
- Assistant Affiliate Member, Houston Methodist Research Institute, April 2014 - Present
Awards & Honors
- University of Houston - Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship
Most innovative research-driven patent, 2014 - "Clinical Monitoring of Blood-flow in Skin-Flaps" - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Best poster and travel grant, 2004 - "Non-invasive evaluation of pigment dispersion syndrome using dynamic light scattering" - Lombardy Institute - Academy of Science and Literature (Milan, Italy)
Best science thesis of the year, 2001 - "In-vivo characterization of ocular tissues by signal analysis of autofluorescence and dynamic light scattering"
Journals Articles:
- L. Pollonini, N. Padhye, R. Re, P. Howell, R.J. Simpson and C.C. Dacso, "Pulse transit time measured by photoplethysmography improves the accuracy of heart rate as a surrogate measure of cardiac output, stroke volume and oxygen uptake in response to graded exercise", Physiol Meas 2015 Jan 9
- L. Pollonini, C. Olds, H. Abaya, H. Bortfeld, M.S. Beauchamp, J.S. Oghalai, "Auditory cortex activation to natural speech and simulated cochlear implant speech measured with functional near-infrared spectroscopy", 2014 Mar;309:84-93. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Dec 14
- Leon-Carrion J, Leon-Dominguez U, Halper J, Pollonini L, Zouridakis G, Dominguez-Morales MD, "Restoring Cortical Connectivity Directionality and Synchronization is Essential to Treating Disorder of Consciousness", Curr Pharm Des. 2013 Sep 10.
- J. Leon-Carrion, U. Leon-Dominguez, L. Pollonini, Meng-Hung Wu, R.E. Frye, M. Rosario Dominguez-Morales, G. Zouridakis, "Synchronization between the anterior and posterior cortexdetermines consciousness level in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI)", Brain Res 1476 (2012): 22-30
- L. Pollonini, N. O. Rajan, S. Xu, S, Madala and C.C. Dacso, "A Novel Handheld Device for Use in Remote Patient Monitoring of Heart Failure Patients-Design and Preliminary Validation on Healthy Subjects", J Med Syst 2012, 36: 653-659
- L. Pollonini, S. Pophale, N. Situ, M.H. Wu, R.E. Frye, J. Leon-Carrion and G. Zouridakis, "Information Communication Networks in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury", Brain Topogr Vol. 23 (2), 2010
- L. Rovati, A. Bandera, M. Donini, G. Salvatori and L. Pollonini, "Design and performance of a wide-bandwidth and sensitive instrument for near-infrared spectroscopic measurements on human tissue", Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75(12), pp. 5315-5325, 2004
- L. Rovati, L. Pollonini and F. Docchio "A system for the inspection and quality control of glass slabs", Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73(9), pp. 3386-3391, 2002
Conferences Proceedings:
- C. Olds, L. Pollonini, H. Abaya, R. Gurgel, M.S. Beauchamp, H. Bortfeld, J.S. Oghalai, "Cortical Hemodynamic Response to Speech Stimuli in Adult Cochlear Implant Users by Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", Annual Meeting of the Association for the Research in Otolaringology, Baltimore, MD, February 16-20, 2013
- L. Pollonini, R. Re, R.J. Simpson and C.C. Dacso, "Integrated device for the measurement of systemic and local oxygen transport during physical exercise", Annual Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA - August 28th-September 1st, 2012
- L. Pollonini, R. Re, P. Howell, K. Prasad, R. Simpson and C. Dacso, "Relationship between systemic and local physiological response to graded exercise assessed with near-infrared spectroscopy", Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2012, Vol. 44:5 - Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA - May 29th - June 2nd, 2012
- L. Pollonini, C.C. Dacso, "Wearable sensing device for home monitoring of cardiac rehabilitation", AMA-IEEE Medical Technology Conference - October 16th-18th, 2011 - Boston, USA
- N.O. Rajan, L. Pollonini, Amy M. Harris, L. Reichlin, S. Xu, K. McArthur, C.M. Queen, C.C. Dacso, "Novel in-home monitoring device for patients suffering from congestive heart failure", Proceedings of the 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 6-10, 2010.
- L. Pollonini, U. Patidar, N. Situ, R. Rezaie, A.C. Papanicolaou, and G. Zouridakis, "Functional Connectivity Networks in the Autistic and Healthy Brain Assessed using Granger Causality", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference 2010, August 31-September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Invited)
- G. Zouridakis, U. Patidar, N.S. Padhye, L. Pollonini, A. Passaro and A.C. Papanicolaou, "Spectral Power of Brain Activity Associated with Emotion - A Pilot MEG Study", IFMBE Proceedings, 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism - Biomag 2010, March 28 - April 1, 2010 Dubrovnik, Croatia
- L. Pollonini, M. Rodriguez, R. Opperman, J. Waldie, J. Hochstein, J. A. Jones and R. R. Ansari, "A Fiber-Optic Laser Doppler Sensor for the Monitoring of Fingertip Blood Flow in Astronauts", Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, March 19-20, 2009
- R. Opperman, J. Waldie, J. Hochstein, A. Natapoff, L. Pollonini, R. Ansari, J. Jones, D.J. Newman, "Anthropometric and Blood Flow Characteristics Leading to EVA Hand Injury", International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), 2009-01-2471, Savannah, GA, July 2009
- L. Pollonini, S. Pophale, N. Situ, J. Leon-Carrion and G. Zouridakis, "EEG Network Connectivity Analysis in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients", Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, March 19-20, 2009
- R. Ansari, J. Jones, L. Pollonini, M. Rodriguez, R. Opperman, J. Hochstein, " A Noninvasive Miniaturized-Wireless Laser-Doppler Fiber-Optic Sensor for Understanding Distal Fingertip Injuries in Astronauts ", SPIE Proc. Vol. 7186, 2009 (SPIE 2009, San Jose (CA, USA), January 26, 2009)
- L. Rovati, L. Pollonini, R.R. Ansari, "Design and Performance of an Ophthalmic Instrument for Dynamic Light Scattering and Fluorescence Measurements in Ocular Tissues", IEEE/IMTC Proc., pp. 1975-1979, 2004
- L. Pollonini, R.R. Ansari, A. Pasquali, L. Rovati, L. Quaranta, "Non invasive evaluation of pigment dispersion syndrome using dynamic light scattering", ARVO Proc., Invest. Ophth. & Vis. Sci., pp. 959/B932, 2004 (ARVO 2004, Fort Lauderdale (FL, USA), 2-5 May 2004)
- L. Rovati, L. Pollonini, M. Zanasi, D. Sivieri, M. Badiali, "Design of an optical sensor for surface roughness measurements of wood based panels", Sensors for Industry Conference 04, Proceedings the ISA/IEEE , pp. 55 - 59, 2004
- L. Pollonini, R.R. Ansari and L. Rovati, "Simulation of optical path and volume-under-test calculation in an integrated dynamic light scattering and autofluorescence device", SPIE Proc. Vol. 5314, pp.71-78, 2004 (SPIE 2004, San Jose (CA, USA), January 17-23, 2004)
- L. Rovati, A. Bandera, M. Donini, L. Pollonini, "A novel tissue oxymeter combining the multidistance approach with an accurate spectral analysis", IEEE/IMTC Proc., Vol. 1, pp.214-217, 2003 (IMTC 2003 - Instrumentation and measurements technology conference, Vail, CO, USA, 20-22 May 2003)
- L. Pollonini, L. Rovati, A. Pasquali, A. Franzoni, L. Quaranta, "Pigment dispersion syndrome assessment with a novel dynamic light scattering system", SPIE Proc., Vol. 4951, pp.161-167, 2003 (SPIE 2003, San Jose (CA, USA), January 25-31, 2003)
- L. Pollonini, L. Rovati, R.R. Ansari, "Dynamic light scattering and autofluorescence of healthy and pathological ocular tissues", SPIE Proc. Vol. 4611, pp.213-219, 2002 (SPIE BiOS 2002, January 19-26, 2002, San Jose, CA, USA)
- L. Pollonini, A. Pasquali, L. Rovati, R.R. Ansari, "A microcontroller-based front-end electronics for simultaneous measurements of dynamic light scattering and natural fluorescence", SPIE Proc. Vol. 4611, pp.205-212, 2002 (SPIE BiOS 2002, January 19-26, 2002, San Jose, CA, USA)
- L. Pollonini, L. Rovati and R.R. Ansari "Dynamic light scattering and natural fluorescence measurements of the corneal tissue", SPIE Proc., Vol. 4434, pp.263-267, 2001 (European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Munich, German, June 17-21, 2001)
- L. Rovati, L. Pollonini and R.R. Ansari, "Integrated instrument for dynamic light scattering and natural fluorescence measurements", SPIE Proc., Vol. 4245, pp.192-198, 2001 (SPIE BiOS 2001, Ophtalmic Technologies XI, January 20-26, San Jose, CA, USA)