The College of Technology has received a University of Houston internal Technology Innovation Program (TIP) grant to help improve and develop more online courses in the construction management, supply chain and logistics technology, and technology project management programs. The $23,720 award will be used for the study, “Changing Perspectives Regarding Online Education through Collaborative Teaching Teams.” A partnership among the programs within the College of Technology will help stimulate creative ideas about how to meaningfully incorporate instructional technology into coursework and effectively teach online courses. The focus will be on providing direct instructional technology support and training to create an environment that further improves student success.
Participating faculty include Lingguang Song, principal investigator (PI); Dan Cassler, Liang Chieh (Victor) Cheng, Xin (David) Ding, Lu Gao, Jamison V. Kovach, proposal developer; and Ahmed Senouci.