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Visiting Materials Science Grad Students from Mexico Gain Research Experience in the College of Technology

Marilyn Howard Jones

Olga Idalu Perez Ordoñez and Omar Velázquez Meraz
Olga Idalu Perez Ordoñez and Omar Velázquez Meraz

Aspiring to enrich their study of innovative applications of materials for environmental and biomedical uses, visiting graduate students, Olga Idalu Perez Ordoñez and Omar Velázquez Meraz, are pursuing their research in the University of Houston College of Technology. Both are working on their master's degrees in Materials Science at Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S.C (Research Center in Advanced Materials (CIMAV)) and will continue working on their master's theses until the fall 2016 semester. The main intention of bringing these students to the University of Houston is to strengthen collaborative efforts in the area of Materials Science between both institutions and countries.

Their advisor at CIMAV, Dr. Martin Herrera Ramirez came to the College of Technology's Department of Engineering Technology on a sabbatical during the fall 2015 semester. His expectation is to continue to build on the opportunities for more collaboration between research groups at CIMAV and the University of Houston.

Dr. Francisco Robles-Hernández, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology in the College of Technology, arranged the visit and co-supervised both students. He is the external supervisor for both students at CIMAV. Dr. Herrera and Dr. Robles have a five- year collaborative agreement between for research and student exchange.