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Dr. Holly Hutchins Named UNT Outstanding Alumna

Dr. Holly M. Hutchins, Associate Professor of Human Resource Development, in the University of Houston, College of Technology has been awarded the University of North Texas 2013-2014 College of Information, Department of Learning Technologies Outstanding Alumni award. Dr. Hutchins teaches courses in research design, training and development, adult learning, program evaluation, facilitation, and global leadership. Her career path exemplifies her dedication to improving quality in the workplace.

Dr. Hutchins earned her PhD in Applied Technology, Training & Development from the University of North Texas in 2004 and has taught at the university level for more than 15 years. She began at UNT as a graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Communication Studies and then as a Lecturer in the College of Business Administration while completing her doctoral work. Prior to coming to Houston, she taught in the University College at Tulane University.

Dr. Hutchins’ primary research areas are transfer of learning, organizational crisis management, and faculty development. Her training design and consulting work includes working with corporations on various topics such as leadership development, group facilitation, transfer of learning, and performance consulting. Currently, she is conducting research on a National Science Foundation grant that investigates increasing recruitment, retention and advancement of women STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) faculty. In 2013, she was recognized as a "Difference Maker" by the University of Houston’s Commission on Women to acknowledge leadership and work toward gender inclusiveness and diversity on campus.

Dr. Hutchins is well known for her excellence in teaching, having won the UNT College of Business Outstanding Teaching Award (2001), the College of Technology Fluor Award for Teaching at the University of Houston (2008), and the University of Houston’s Teaching Excellence Award (2009). Her scholarly work and service to promoting scholarship was recognized with the Early Career Scholar Award (2011) from the Academy of Human Resource Development. Dr. Hutchins is currently serving her second term as a Board of Director for the Academy of Human Resource Development.