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Financial FAQs

A. Go to To start a FAFSA you’ll need a Federal Student Aid ID and password. If you have filled out a FAFSA previously, you probably already have those. But if you do not have an FSA ID yet, you will need your Social Security card or Alien Registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen. To complete a FAFSA you will also need to provide information from your (and, if you are under the age of 24, your parents’) most recent income tax return, W-2s, and bank statements. You must file a FAFSA each academic year you want aid.

A. Unfortunately, no. Undocumented students are not eligible for federal student aid. There are some states, however, that offer grants to undocumented students, like California and Texas. These states have forms specifically designed for undocumented students. The Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) is used to collect information to help determine eligibility for state financial aid programs that are administered by institutions of higher education in the state of Texas. Additionally, there are private scholarships available.

A. The federal government offers two kinds of student loans. Both have low interest rates and lots of benefits, including the possibility of forgiveness (which means you might not have to pay it all back). The best kind of federal student loan is called “subsidized” because while you are in school the government will pay (or subsidize) the interest on your loan. In other words, if you borrow a $1,000 subsidized loan in your freshman year, you will only owe $1,000 when you graduate. The government only awards “subsidized” loans to students whose FAFSA indicates they need aid to attend their college. But any student who fills out a FAFSA— no matter how wealthy—can take out a federal “unsubsidized” loan. That loan’s interest charge builds up while the student is in school. A freshman who borrowed a $1,000 unsubsidized loan in the fall of 2016, would owe close to $1,200 on graduation day in 2020 because the debt will have grown by about 4% a year in fees and interest charges.

A. You're eligible if you served a minimum of 90 days on active duty after Sept. 10, 2001. This covers active duty served as a member of the Armed Forces or as a result of a call or order to active duty from a reserve component (National Guard and Reserve) under certain sections of Title 10.

The following types of reserve/guard duty count toward qualification for the Post 9/11 GI Bill: All Title 10 active duty supporting named contingency operations Title 32 service for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the National Guard Title 32 service under section 502(f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency All voluntary active duty, with the exception of active duty for medical care and medical evaluation Title 10 service under 502(f): Title 10 service under 12301(h) for the purpose of receiving service-related medical care A reservist who receives a Purple Heart for service occurring on or after September 11, 2001. Service under 12304, 12304a, and 12304b orders, mobilization to provide assistance in response to a major disaster or emergency or for preplanned missions in support of combatant commands Individuals ordered to active duty under section 12301(h) of title 10, USC to receive authorized medical care, to be medically evaluated for disability or other purposes, or to complete a required Department of Defense healthcare study. If you are a veteran, you must have an honorable discharge. If you served at least 30 days active duty and have a disability discharge you are also eligible.

Please check in with the Office of Veterans Services for more information.

A. If you drop a course within the first 12 days of classes starting, known as the Official Reporting Day (ORD). This is the last day to drop a course without receiving a grade or a withdrawal on your academic record. ORD is also the last day to drop a course without hours counting towards the Enrollment Cap for Texas Residents. The first deadline (before ORD) to drop classes has no penalties. The second deadline is referred to as a withdraw date and may fall four to 12 weeks into the semester. A withdraw will show up on your transcript and can affect your financial aid, but will not be as drastic as a failing grade for the class. Dropping classes and being below full-time can have effects on your financial aid. It is always best to check in with your academic advisor and the Office of Financial Aid about dropping a course.

Tip: Talk to your professor before dropping a class. Many professors are happy to try and work out a solution. At the very least, you will know there were no other options.

A. There are various sources at the University of Houston. You can check your myUH student account for university-wide scholarships for all students. There are also scholarships for your specific college and major.

Technology Division Scholarships
You can also check other outside scholarships online and in your local communities.

Payment Plans
Installment Pay Plan:

  • Does not cover prior unpaid balances.
  • $25.00 non-refundable origination fee.
  • Provides for 4 separate installments.
  • The first installment is due by the initial due date for all students and must be at least 25% of the current semester's tuition and fees.
  • All payments from any funding source must satisfy outstanding balance before any refund can be issued.
  • A late fee charge of $25.00 will apply for each installment not paid by the due date.
  • Any additional charges added to the student's account after the initial installment will be included in the installment plan. However, you may be required to immediately pay an amount equal to at least 25% of any new charges.
  • The Installment Pay Plan is not available for summer or winter mini session students who are not enrolled in the spring term.
  • The Installment Pay Plan is not available to students whose financial aid covers 100% of their total term balance.

Emergency Deferment Plan:

  • Is only available to students who do not live in university housing.
  • Does not cover prior unpaid balances.
  • The deferment covers only tuition and required/mandatory fees for the current term.
  • The plan defers payment until the 90th day for the Fall/Spring term or the 45th day of the regular session for the Summer term.
  • The deferment has a 5% annual percentage rate assessed on the Official Reporting Date of the Fall/Spring/Summer term.
  • A late fee charge of $25.00 will apply if outstanding debt is not paid in full by due date.
  • Requires that any credits to the account (financial aid, etc) must first be applied to the unpaid balance of the deferment.
  • The plan must be paid during the term for which it was entered.

A. If you have a private loan, then you will need to start paying that back right away. If you have a federal loan, repayment on most federal student loans begins when you leave college or drop below half-time enrollment. Repayment on PLUS loans, however, begins when the loan is fully disbursed. To reduce the overall amount that you will pay on your loans, we encourage you to make monthly interest payments on your loans before your repayment begins.

All federal student loans have a loan servicer that handles billing and other services. You can find your federal loan servicer information by visiting Once you have identified your servicer, visit their website to make a loan payment. For private loans, contact your lender for details about repayment. For information on federal loan repayment and repayment plans, visit here.

A. Federal Work Study is a program where you can work part-time to help earn money for your education. It is available to both undergraduate and graduate students who are at least half-time students. You will be responsible for finding a work-study job (most are on campus), and you would be paid by the hour.

Work-study jobs go to students with demonstrated financial need, and most students work 12 to 20 hours each week during the academic year. Two programs handle work-study jobs at UH:

  • The Federal Work-Study Program, which is subsidized by the federal government
  • The State of Texas College Work-Study Program, which is subsidized by the State of Texas and restricted to residents of the state of Texas

A. The University of Houston is a state university, meaning Texas residents and non-residents have different tuition rates. Residents of the state of Texas will be billed in-state tuition and non-residents will be billed out-of-state tuition. There must be conclusive evidence of a student’s intent to permanently establish domicile in Texas. Domicile means to live and maintain gainful employment in the State of Texas. Those wishing to change their residency status must show they have domiciled in the state of Texas for 12 months or more.

If you have established residency, then you can fill out a Residency Affidavit and Residency Questionnaire along with supporting documents to the Office of the Registrar.

For more information on residency requirements, you can check the University of Houston website at